Volatile Compliant Fuel Makes Hedging Tough

  • 0.5%S fuel oil often hedged against different products.
  • Liquidity in 0.5%S fuel oil paper market slowly gaining traction.
  • Variability in 0.5%S fuel oil blendstock makes hedging difficult.

A recent Platts news by Tom Washington, Stepan Lavrouk and  Tamara Sleiman states that bunker industry says unpredictable compliant fuel hampering hedging.

0.5% sulfur fuel oil and the impact

The range of possible blending components for 0.5% sulfur fuel oil and the impact this has on the fuel parameters is...


Shippers Urged To Follow Local Restrictions Before Discharging Washwater

  • IMO considers exhaust gas scrubbers to reduce vessels’ sulphur emissions.
  • It specifies requirements for verification, testing, survey, and certification of scrubber systems.
  • It also sets out the criteria for discharging scrubber wash water into the sea.
  • Vessel operators have two options to choose to ensure compliance with the sulphur limits.
  • They can switch to a closed-loop scrubber or compliant fuels.
  • The vessels must maintain proper records of such a changeover.

According to an article...


A rapid pivot to gas needed to deal with global demand, report says

An international energy consultancy launched the “Rapid pivot to gas” report highlighting that turning to gas will be the solution to deal with the increasing global energy demand.

Specifically, Xodus Group’s showed that approximately $20 trillion would need to be invested on natural gas exploration and production over the next 20 years. This forecast requires significant advancements in technology for gas production, including carbon capture and storage (CCS) of the carbon dioxide produced.



Compliant Fuel Price Concern Escalates!

With availability no longer an issue, ship owners are lamenting the significant rise in operating costs, due to the IMO 2020 rule. The reason being the almost doubling of fuel costs.

In its latest weekly report, shipbroker Intermodal said that “the early days of IMO 2020 coming into force have certainly had an impact on the industry, but so far it seems that those who feared of major problems for global shipping have not been verified and it looks like we have avoided the destructive...


Italian refiner’s VLSFO sales top 120,000 tonnes

The Italian refiner Saras launched its very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) in early September, with its sails now having topped 120,000 tonnes, following the implementation of IMO’s 2020 sulphur cap regulation.

Specifically, the Italian refiner is targeting 550,000 tonnes of VLSFO and 180,000 tonnes of marine gasoil (MGO) in annual sales, as Reuters reports.

Massimo Vacca, planning, benchmarking and sustainability manager for Saras, stated that the flexible and complex refinery configuration allows...


Compliant Fuel Change Take a Toll on Leading Shipping Industries

The vast majority of the world’s ships were forced to change the fuel they use, two weeks ago, reports Bloomberg Quint.

Some big winners — and potential losers — are starting to emerge from what was a historic switch for the world’s oil refining and maritime industries. Regulations began on Jan. 1 forcing vessels to sharply reduce emissions of sulfur oxides from burning so-called bunker fuel.

Regulations for sulphur emissions

Regulations began on Jan. 1 forcing vessels to sharply reduce emissions...


CIMAC Guidelines To Ensure Fuel Stability Onboard

CIMAC Guideline focuses on the upcoming 2020 sulphur cap and assists owners and provides a practical and working understanding of stability and compatibility of marine fuel oils, reports Safety4Sea.

CIMAC Guideline

The newly-published “CIMAC Guideline: Marine fuel handling in connection to stability and compatibility” focuses on the upcoming 2020 sulphur cap and assists owners and provides a practical and working understanding of stability and compatibility of marine fuel oils, 

Opting for...


Sulphur Cap Preparations and Implementation Hastens As 2020 Nears, Says IMO

According to a Dry Cargo International report, “IMO 2020” requirements for ships to cut sulphur oxide emissions enter into effect in just over one month’s time and this will significantly reduce air pollution from ships with positive benefits for human health and the environment.

Preparation for the Sulphur Limit

The new requirement means that the global limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships will be reduced to 0.50% m/m (mass by mass). Within designated emission control areas (ECAs),...


Will Sulphur Cap Alter Bunker Fuel and Storage Sectors Dynamics?

IMO 2020 sulphur cap will boost the demand for more compliant fuel and will lead to different dynamics in the bunker fuel and tank storage sectors, says an article published in Safety4Sea.

Rotterdam bunker conference

During a conference in Rotterdam, René Loozen, Consultancy Director at Insights Global stated that the upcoming IMO 2020 sulphur cap will

  • boost the demand for more IMO 2020-compliant fuel and
  • will lead to different dynamics in the bunker fuel and tank storage sectors.



IMO Fuel Supply Ramps Up in Hamburg

With just over two months before the much awaited IMO regulation which will cap sulphur content at 0.5 pc, several marine fuel suppliers have started selling 0.5 pc sulphur fuel oil in Hamburg, reports Argus Media.

Compliant Fuel Suppliers in Hamburg Market


Dutch marine fuels supplier Trefoil in the  3rd week of October, sold its first 0.5 pc sulphur fuel oil cargo in Hamburg. The 550 t cargo was delivered with some high-sulphur 380 cst fuel oil (HS 380) and marine gasoil (MGO). 

  • Trefoil,...
