Plan to replace I-81 in Syracuse with urban boulevard gets court win

A major legal hurdle to tearing down the interstate 81 viaduct through Syracuse, New York, and replacing it with an urban boulevard was cleared Friday when a New York court overturned a ruling blocking the project.

The only legal route now for Renew 81, a group opposing the “new urbanism” project, would be to seek relief from the New York Court of Appeals, the highest in the state.

In a unanimous decision, a five-judge panel overturned a lower court decision that a new environmental impact...

Demolition of elevated I-81 through Syracuse looks set to go ahead

Plans to tear down a section of Interstate 81 that goes through a low-income area of Syracuse, New York, and replace its key section with an urban boulevard, routing most truck traffic around the city, appear to have become reality.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has the Syracuse project in the recent reveal of her $32.8 billion  State Capital Plan.

It is a project that the Trucking Association of New York opposes in its current form, according to Kendra Hems, executive director of the TANY. In an...

Will ‘connecting neighborhoods’ disconnect trucking?

Buried in the U.S. House and Senate versions of highway reauthorization legislation currently being negotiated are provisions that would allow billions of dollars to be spent dismantling portions of the interstate highway system without replacing the lost transportation capacity.

The provisions — “Reconnecting Neighborhoods” in the House version, “Reconnecting Communities” in the Senate — reflect the Biden administration’s goals of using infrastructure funding to address historic racial and...