Never miss out on detention time reimbursement again

In the trucking industry, one of the most valuable resources is time.

There is a reason for the saying, “If the wheels ain’t turning, you ain’t earning.” Because of the steep operating costs for a single semi-truck, lost hours of productivity greatly impact margins over time.

One way that time is often utilized inefficiently, which is out of the control of a driver or carrier, is long detention times — or when trucks are waiting to be loaded or unloaded at shipping and delivery sites.

According to...

Regulator to order container detention reports from ocean carriers

A federal maritime regulator is ordering the world’s largest containership companies to provide her agency with container detention and demurrage information to ensure they’re meeting their legal obligations.

The orders, announced Wednesday by Commissioner Rebecca Dye of the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), are being issued under Dye’s authority as the fact-finding officer for the FMC’s Fact Finding 29, “International Ocean Transportation Supply Chain Engagement.”

Ocean carriers operating in an...

News alert: Regulators warn container lines to stop refusing US exports

Growing allegations of ocean carriers abandoning U.S. exporters by not providing empty containers for shipments to Asia have led to heightened scrutiny for potential Shipping Act violations.

In a joint letter sent on Wednesday to the World Shipping Council (WSC) from the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), FMC commissioners Carl Bentzel and Daniel Maffei said that because of the current surge in containerized imports at U.S. ports, it is “imperative” that there be balance between carriers’ import...

Congestion update: current status, bad weather, new industrial action, container hire

Photo: Hin und wieder / Pixabay

Unfortunately there continues to be a container backlog, induced by industrial action, in Sydney at the moment.  That backlog has been aggravated by recent bad weather.  It may get worse given the likelihood of new industrial action.   

Current status: congestion times and industrial action

Shipping Australia understands that, in Sydney, the current recovery time is now about two to three days at DP World Australia and is about 15 days at Patrick Terminals. 


Keeping containers in the supply chain

There has been a lot of noise made recently on container hire/detention charges.

Talk to your carrier – they can help

Shipping lines are in the business of having satisfied customers. If you have a specific exceptional circumstance, and you are unable to meet your obligations, talk to your carrier as soon as you can.

Most shipping lines are willing to listen and make determinations on a case-by-case basis to reduce the financial burden during this difficult time.

Help your carrier to help you –...