ONE Apus lost or damaged containers ‘could exceed 1,900’

Ocean Network Express said Wednesday the number of lost or damaged containers from a vessel en route to the Port of Long Beach, California, “could exceed 1,900.”

It’s a jaw-dropping sum — more than the average number of containers lost in an entire year from all vessels around the globe. And the accident comes during the last rush to get Chinese exports into U.S. consumers’ hands before Christmas. 

According to a “container incident” online information center, the ONE Apus was en route from...

Ship Loses 23 Containers Overboard in Rough Weather

Container ship lost up to 23 containers overboard at night Jul 14 while being anchored at Algoa Bay, South Africa, reports Maritime Bulletin. 

What happened?

SAMSA (South African Maritime Safety) reported, container ship MSC PALAK lost up to 23 containers overboard at night Jul 14 while being anchored at Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth area, South Africa. 

Container ship left port of Ngqura on Jul 13, but anchored to wait out the storm, which bashed the region on Jul 13-14. 

Floating containers

A fishing...

AMSA Initiates Investigation on Cargo Ship That Lost Containers At Sea

  • AMSA will investigate the cargo ship which lost 40 containers off Australia’s east coast.
  • Around 40 containers were lost when APL England hit rough seas south-east of Sydney.
  • The vessel lost dozens of containers after hitting rough seas about 73 kilometres south-east of Sydney.
  • The ship experienced a temporary loss of propulsion and was rolling heavily.
  • It caused container stacks to collapse and 40 containers to fall overboard and damaged many.

According to an article published in ABC news and...

MSC Zoe: More lost containers – at least 345

The cargo ship MSC Zoe has not lost 291 containers on the North Sea, but at least 345. This is reported by Rijkswaterstaat on Wednesday, Feb. 6, after a new estimate from the MSC shipping company.

The MSC Zoe lost the containers on the night of 1 to 2 January at the German Wadden Islands. In the following days a part of the contents and containers washed up in the Netherlands.

It is still unclear how many containers have been thrown overboard. Rijkswaterstaat hopes to get more clarity from MSC...

MSC Zoe accident update: Clean-up operations continue in North Sea

MSC Zoe lost around 270 boxes during the accident on January 2. A heavy storm in the North Sea was the main cause of the accident.

The shipping giant launched immediately the clean-up operation. Three days later, MSC promised to find every container, limiting as more as possible the environmental pollution. In addition, the company pledged to cover all the costs of the containers search and the North Sea clean-up.

Many cargoes from the boxes began washing up on beaches in the region. The...

MSC: Significant progress in the North Sea cleanup

MSC confirms that significant progress has been made in an unprecedented clean-up operation in the North Sea and on the beaches of the Netherlands and Germany. The company thanks the authorities and volunteers in these countries for their support in the response.

More than 250 containers fell from the ship “MSC Zoe” during a night of heavy weather on 2 January.

“MSC responded as quickly as possible to the incident and immediately engaged Ardent Global, internationally-renown experts in marine...

MSC to pay the North Sea clean-up – The company pledges to find the lost containers

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company would like to reassure authorities and members of the public in the Netherlands and Germany that the company will pay the full costs of the clean-up of the 2 January MSC Zoe container spill.

MSC is committed to continue searching the sea for the containers which fell overboard, until the last one is found. MSC will also ensure that the beaches of the Dutch and German coastlines are surveyed until all debris related to this incident has been cleared.

MSC confirms...

MSC’s mega vessel lost 270 containers in Germany – The company starts a clean-up operation

The cargo ship MSC Zoe encountered heavy weather while sailing toward Bremerhaven, Germany, on 2 January.

As a result, some 270 containers were damaged or lost overboard amid very difficult conditions,  3 of them with dangerous organic peroxides.

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company has started a clean-up operation in response to a substantial spill of containers in the North Sea.

MSC appointed on 2 January a salvage company to coordinate the retrieval of cargo and beach clean-up operations and is...

What happened to the MSC Zoe?

The Panama-registered ship is described as the biggest in Europe, with a potential cargo of 19,000 containers.

As Storm Zeetje buffeted northern Germany with gale force winds late on Tuesday night, 270 containers of Zoe’s cargo fell off the ship and into the Wadden Sea.

By Wednesday morning, strong tides had already swept some of the containers on to beaches on Terschelling, Vlieland and Ameland and coastguards were scouring the sea for the others.

There were fears that other shipping could be...

Container search continues after six months in Port Stephens

Six months passed from the YM Efficiency accident and the containers lost in Port Stephens, and the search is still going on.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has now contracted a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROUV) to enhance the search operation.

So far three targets of interest have been located and imaged.

“The ROUV was deployed close to shore for testing just south of Fingal Bay at the known location of a target identified during the shoreline clean-up operations”,...

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