Halter to build accommodations barges for the Navy

New accommodations barges for the Navy are scheduled for delivery by July 2020. U.S. Navy photo

VT Halter Marine, Pascagoula, Miss., has signed a $78 million contract to build barges for Navy crews to live aboard when their ships are laid up for repair, being overhauled or involved in Inter-Deployment Cycles (IDTC). The first two are scheduled for delivery by July 2020, according to published reports.

The agreement includes an option to buy four more barges and other services from Halter, which would put the overall worth of the contract in the $240 million range.

Basic specifications have...


Austal USA awarded littoral combat ships 32 and 34

Austal USA recently delivered the 16th LCS to the Navy. Austal USA photo

Mobile, Ala.-based Austal USA was awarded a contract modification by the Navy Tuesday to build two additional 421’6″x103.7′ Independence-variant littoral combat ships, its 16th and 17th ships in the class.

The award of LCS 32 and 34 is a clear sign of the continued confidence the Navy has in Austal’s LCS program, the shipyard said in a statement announcing the contract. The specific value of each contract is under the congressional cost cap of $584 million per ship.

“To be awarded these contracts...


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