New inland push boat goes to work for Plimsoll Marine

Recently delivered by the Blakely BoatWorks shipyard in Mobile, Ala., to Plimsoll Marine, the M/V Green Wave is a Subchapter M compliant inland push boat that will operate within the Cooper Consolidated fleeting footprint, the largest fleeting footprint on the Lower Mississippi River.

Blakely BoatWorks, Plimsoll Marine and Cooper Consolidated are all members of the Cooper Group of companies.

“Our team is proud to be part of the construction of the Green Wave,” said Swathin Kannalath, managing...

Mariners need more safety management training, experts say

Safety management systems have been in place in the barge industry for many years. The most effective of these increases safety without being burdensome and never change for change sake.

“These are living documents,” Marino Hwang, marine compliance manager at McAllister Towing, told attendees at the American Waterways Operators Safety Committees’ Annual Meeting this week in New Orleans. “But it’s hard for crews to know our safety measures if we keep changing them.”

Communication is key, but...