“Huge market distortion” is taking place across the UK port sector as supply chains adapt to post-Brexit trading.
Head of the UK ports authorities at Stena Line Ian Davies told the Northern Ireland Affairs parliamentary select committee that, at first glance, trade flows appeared comparable with 2020, with a slow start gradually leading to increased movements.
“Volumes have increased to ports in Scotland, Northern Ireland and England, but stepping back I can see huge market distortion,” he...
More ro-ro services a welcome post-Brexit boost for Irish exporters to Europe
Irish exporters looking to reduce reliance on the post-Brexit UK landbridge for shipments to continental Europe were given a fillip this week by plans for more direct ro-ro services.
Belgian ro-ro operator CLdN is set to double the frequency of its Cork-Zeebrugge con-ro service to offer Irish exporters two sailings a week.
“We will deploy larger vessels or add more frequency to match demand to and from Ireland and will react immediately …
Eion McGettigan is appointed the new CEO at port of Cork
Port of Cork has appointed Eoin McGettigan (pictured above) as its new chief executive, after Brendan Keating retired recently after 18 years at the helm.
Chairman John Mullins said: “Brendan has seen the port’s strategic development plan fully recognised: the acquisition of Belvelly Port Facility (formerly Marino Point); the Inner Harbour Development at Bantry Bay Port Company; the marked increase in cruise business; and the commencement of construction of the €86m …
The post Eion McGettigan is...
Port of Cork wins new transatlantic deepsea call on ICL service
Irish exporters will next month have their first direct deepsea transatlantic service to the US for many years, after niche carrier Independent Container Line (ICL) announced plans to include the port of Cork on its North Europe-US east coast service.
ICL’s weekly transatlantic TAC1 service currently operates four vessels of around 2,400 teu capacity with a port rotation of Philadelphia, Wilmington, Antwerp and Southampton.
The call at Cork will be inserted as …
The post Port of Cork wins new...
Santander suma un nuevo servicio ro-ro semanal con el puerto irlandés de Cork
CLdN ha estrenado un nuevo servicio de carga rodada entre Santander y Cork (Irlanda) a través de una línea semanal, vía Zeebrugge (Bélgica), consecuencia del nuevo servicio ro-ro estrenado por la compañía entre Cork y Zeebrugge, como parte de su proceso de expansión en el mercado de transporte entre Bélgica e Irlanda.
El servicio ro-ro de trailers, semirremolques, contenedores, mercancía estática sobre mafi y cargas de proyecto saldrá de Santander todos los viernes para llegar a Cork los martes...
Vigo y Cork maduran el proyecto de la nueva línea marítima de Atlantic Ferry
Responsables del puerto de Cork (Irlanda) y de la Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo han abordado este miércoles el proyecto de nueva línea marítima de Atlantic Ferry Lines, que uniría ambos enclaves con Plymouth (Reino Unido). Una ruta concebida para carga rodada y viajeros, que supondría un “importante impulso” a las relaciones comerciales y turísticas entre Galicia e Irlanda, según el Gobierno de la Xunta.
La comitiva irlandesa, integrada por responsables de la terminal de Cork y de la Capitanía...