COSCO posts largest growth in scrubber-fitted boxships

COSCO Shipping Lines registered the largest increase in scrubber installations among liner operators in 2024, adding 417,827 TEUs of ships fitted with exhaust gas cleaning systems, according to Alphaliner.

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COSCO SHIPPING Lines obtains TISAX Certification

COSCO SHIPPING Lines officially secured the TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) certification, indicating that the company meets European Union (EU) automotive industry standards for information security risk control.

The TISAX certification is an evaluation system for information security risk control in the automotive industry. It has unified inspection item content and higher requirements than the internationally accepted ISO27000, making the evaluation results highly...

COSCO, GSBN issue first blockchain-based green shipping certificate

COSCO SHIPPING Lines and Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) have been collaborating to launch HI-ECO, a blockchain-based shipping product.

“This innovation provides traceable and verifiable green certificates to accelerate global trade decarbonization,” said COSCO in a statement.

GSBN utilizes its blockchain network to store Proof of Sustainability (PoS) for biofuels, ensuring that each green certificate accurately corresponds to the actual use of purchased biofuels and enhancing market...

COSCO switches 16,000 TEU quartet to run on methanol

COSCO Shipping Lines has announced that it will switch four 16,000 TEU newbuildings to be dually fuelled with methanol, from conventional fuel.

The company said this is in line with its plan to comply with the global goal of achieving decarbonisation in 2050. As a result, the price of the newbuildings will be increased from US$620 million to US$734 million.

For reference, Clarksons’ data shows that the price of a 15,000 to 16,000 TEU methanol dual fuel container ship has reached US$191 million.


COSCO container ship damages Keelung berth after collision

A pier in Taiwan’s Keelung port sustained damage after one of COSCO Shipping Lines’ container ships came into contact while attempting to berth.

The 2000-built, 1,702 TEU Fei Yun He had just arrived from the port of Lianyungang in China, shortly before 8 am local time on 16 March.

Local media reported that possibly due to miscommunication between the pilot/crew and the port authority, Fei Yun He knocked into Keelung’s West Pier 20.

The pilot can be heard on television footage saying, “Why is the...

COSCO SHIPPING Lines ha desarrollado un nuevo contenedor de 40′ que carga 4 vehículos al mismo tiempo

Esto ha permitido ahorrar considerablemente en costos de transporte para los clientes, mejorar la competitividad del transporte de contenedores y sentar una base sólida para el aumento del número de contenedores de transporte de automóviles en 2024, informó la compañía.

Fire on boxship in Houston kills two seafarers, injures one

Two seafarers died and another crewman was hurt after a fire broke out in the engine room of the 2,174 TEU container ship Stride.

COSCO Shipping Lines had chartered Stride from Danaos Corporation to operate a service connecting the US port Houston with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia. The service, launched in June 2021 to target reefer cargoes, is jointly operated with CMA CGM, which contributes two chartered vessels.

The fire is said to have occurred while containers were being loaded at...

COSCO debuts Hi ECO sustainable shipping product

COSCO SHIPPING Lines has presented the first green shipping certificate at Volvo’s Asia Pacific headquarters on 5 December, based on their utilisation of its green shipping product Hi ECO.

COSCO SHIPPING Lines said it pioneered the bunkering of its operating vessels with biofuel to achieve measurable carbon emission reduction in 2022.

The company tries to assist its customers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making positive contributions to sustainable development. Its green shipping...