DNV evaluation shows BAR Technologies WindWings can achieve up to 32% energy savings

Back in August last year, the Cargill-chartered 80,962 dwt bulker Pxyis Ocean, which is managed by MC Shipping’s Singapore branch, became the first ship to sail with BAR Technologies’ WindWings, after being retrofitted with two of the hard sails at a COSCO shipyard.

VIDEO: Cargill-chartered Pyxis Ocean is first ship to sail with WindWings

In March this year, Cargill reported that the vessel had achieved performance consistent with what was predicted, which is equivalent to an average of 3...


Offshore Vessel News Roundup | January 9 – Chinese-built turbine installation vessels plus new crewboats for US and Brunei owners

Deliveries include a crewboat for a US windfarm support company and a turbine installation vessel for a Chinese owner. A installation vessel for a Danish operator is meanwhile launched into the water for the first time. Finally, a Brunei-based firm places an order for a new fast crewboat with secondary emergency response capability. WINDEA CTV […]

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