COVID aftershocks still imperil freight companies

The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates.

By Jim Case, CEO of Travelers Financial Group

From all perspectives, COVID was tough on the freight industry. Millions of people across the globe lost their jobs in the economic downturn and the resulting plunging global demand for goods. At the same time, travel and transportation turmoil, consumer hoarding, and seismic shifts in buying behavior driven by the...

Can RSV And COVID Vaccines Prevent Another ‘Tripledemic’?

Credits: Viktor Forgacs/Unsplash

Three viruses—influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19—have swept through the United States during the past several winters, causing severe illness in vulnerable people and overwhelming hospitals with pediatric and adult patients, reports Yale Medicine.


This year, for the first time, there are better tools to prevent these diseases, including an updated COVID vaccine, as well as vaccines and a monoclonal antibody injection for...

Sailors Struggle: Q2 2023 Happiness Index Reveals Uphill Battle Ahead

Credit: Ship Management
  • The Mission to Seafarers has published the latest Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) report for Quarter 2, 2023, revealing a notable decline in overall happiness.
  • The latest report shows an overall fall in seafarer happiness from 7.1/10 to 6.77/10, compared to Q1 2023.
Eroding Satisfaction

The average contentment of seafarers has slid from a peak of 7.69/10 in Q4 2022 to 6.77/10 in Q2 2023, indicating a consistent decline since pre-pandemic levels.

Seafarers voiced their...

Port of Geraldton cancels suite of anti-COVID measures

Pictured: a conceptual representation of different variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease. Graphic: colour modified by Shipping Australia of the original provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Several maritime-related rules to combat COVID have been cancelled at the Port of Geraldton, according to a new Harbour Master Instruction from Mid West Ports.

The Instruction noted that vaccinations have occurred on a global scale, that a “high” level...

Government COVID disaster-related failures highlighted by Shipping Australia

By Shipping Australia

A wide range of government failures during the COVID disaster has been highlighted by Shipping Australia in its submission to the Senate Select Committee on Australia’s Disaster Resilience.

Set up in November 2022, the Select Committee is inquiring into Australia’s preparedness, response and recovery workforce models, and alternative models to disaster recovery.

Shipping Australia’s wide-ranging submission looks at many issues raised in the COVID disaster, and also...

Cathay Pacific Cargo unleashed 

Cathay Pacific Airways is moving rapidly to reclaim its position among the top cargo carriers after being shackled for three years by ultra-restrictive COVID health policies in Hong Kong and China.

Rebuilding the passenger network after China dropped efforts to stamp out the coronavirus at all costs will significantly increase the cargo division’s ability to transport shipments around the world. Equally beneficial is the reopening of the border between China and Hong Kong and lifting of...

Crew Development Seminar in India: With The Theme, “Changing Forward”

Credit: venti-views-unsplash

K Marine Ship Management Pte. Ltd. (KMSM), a ship management company that is part ofthe Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) group, held a crew seminar in Mumbai, India for twodays from March 1st. More than 50 Indian seafarers (officers) from oil tankers, LNG carriers,LPG carriers, and LNG bunkering ship managed by KMSM attended the crew seminar. The event included a lively exchange of opinions and a workshop together with KMSM superintendents on root cause...

Global Disruption Has Boosted Clarkson To A Record 2023

Credits: Erik Odiin/Unsplash

Clarkson has posted another record annual performance and declared its 20th successive year of dividend growth, after global trade disruption kept freight rates elevated, says an article published on This is money.

World’s largest shipping

The world’s largest shipping services provider revealed its pre-tax profits jumped by £40million to £100.1million last year, thanks mainly to a strong result from its broking division.

Covid-related restrictions

Since Covid-related...

Population Declined In 93% Of Europe’s Largest Cities

Credits: Fusion Medical Animation/Unsplash

According to new research published in Cities, the international magazine, 93% of large metropolitan regions in Europe “shrank” or lost population as a result of the impact of COVID-19, with over two-thirds of all European cities experiencing a similar effect during the pandemic, as reported by

Sustainable urban development

Dr Vlad Mykhnenko, associate professor of sustainable urban development, Oxford Department for Continuing Education, and...

The Nature Of The Immune Responses Induced by Various COVID-19 Vaccines

Credits: Fusion Medical Animation/Unsplash

In a recent study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, researchers reviewed existing achievements and shortcomings in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine platforms, as well as future-generation vaccine considerations, reports News Medical Life Sciences.


During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, many effective and safe vaccinations against various SARS-CoV-2 variants were developed....