[Watch] Former FDA Head Notifies On Circumstantial Evidence Of Covid Originating From Lab

  • Evidence that Covid-19 originally leaked from a Wuhan virology lab is growing, Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Monday.
  • With other coronaviruses, SARS and MERS, researchers were able to identify the animal those diseases emerged from at this point in those outbreaks.
  • Global health officials will meet soon to further investigate the origins of the virus.

According to an article published in CNBC, Evidence that Covid-19 originally leaked from a Wuhan, China, virology lab is growing, Dr. Scott...


WHO Draft Report Reveals Origin of Coronavirus

Covid-19 probably came to people through an animal, and likely started spreading no more than a month or two before it was noticed in December of 2019, a World Health Organization draft report finds, says an article published in CNN.

WHO’s Report

The least likely source: a laboratory leak, the WHO’s joint international team concluded.

WHO is scheduled to release the final report on its investigation into the origins of coronavirus on Tuesday, but a draft version of the report obtained by CNN shows...


Wuhan’s Wildlife Trade Most Likely Pathway For COVID Transmission, Reports WHO

According to an article published in CNN, the wildlife trade in China is the most likelypathway through which Covid-19 was able to spread from the original animal source, possibly bats, to humans, according to one of the authors of a long-awaited World Health Organization report on the origin of the virus.

The Report
The report, expected to be released on Tuesday after repeated delays, will include“multiple hundred pages, with lots of data, lots of new facts and information,” said Peter Daszak,...


China Hits In Return With WHO’s Covid Report By US

China has fired back at the US over allegations from the White House that Beijing withheld some information about the coronavirus outbreak from World Health Organization investigators, says an article published by The Guardian.

Covid19 Report

The White House on Saturday called on China to make data from the earliest days of the Covid-19 outbreak available, saying it had “deep concerns” about the way the findings of the WHO’s Covid-19 report were communicated.

National security adviser Jake...


[Watch] Initial WHO COVID Origin Investigation Report Shows No Lab Origin Evidence

According to an NBC News report, the head of the  WHO team investigating covid19 origin in China said it is “extremely unlikely” that the coronavirus leaked from a lab in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where Covid-19 first emerged. 

The experts placed their bet on animal origin in a report published on Tuesday. The team was on a fact-finding mission which involved visiting Wuhan markets, supply chains, and other sites.

The WHO’s team landed in Wuhan last month, more than a year after Covid-19 was...


WHO Team Starts Probing Wuhan COVID Origin

The search for the origin of the novel coronavirus  finally began in China yesterday as the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the matter finished their mandatory quarantine period and started on-the-ground investigations in the Chinese city of Wuhan, reports BBC. 

How is it being done?

The scientists will begin interviewing people from research institutes, hospitals and the seafood market linked to the initial outbreak.

Their research will rely upon evidence provided by Chinese...


WHO Team To Reach China on Jan 14 To Investigate COVID Origin 

According to a Business Standard report, China said on Monday that a group of experts from the WHO will arrive in the country on Thursday for a long-anticipated probe into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, ending the uncertainty and delay which drew sharp criticism from the world health body.

WHO Field Visit 

Experts from the WHO will conduct a field visit to China on January 14, the state-run CGTN quoted China’s National Health Commission as saying in a report.

Confirming the visit,...
