World’s Largest Shipbreaking Stretch Goes Green

Ship recycling plots in Alang beached 196 ships in calendar year 2020 for dismantling, benefiting from the green recycling policies of global ship owners for their end-of-life ships, reports the Hindu Business Line.

In comparison, sub-continent rivals Bangladesh beached 150 ships and Pakistan 95 ships. In 2019, Alang beached 186 ships for recycling.

Green recycling standards

Over 90 of the 120 working plots at Alang are certified for compliance with green recycling standards prescribed by the Hong...

Stranded Seafarers in China Set To Return Home

  • Indian sailors stuck in China since June last year, due to the global pandemic, are set to return home.
  • Indian seafarers will reach Chiba Port, Japan on January 14, and after following the due procedure of COVID protocols—they will fly back to India.
  • MV Jag Anand has been on anchorage near Jingtang port since June 13.

Twenty three seafarers stranded aboard Indian vessel m.v. Jag Anand off the Chinese coast for the past 10 months are likely to return to India by January 14, returns Business...

How Pandemic Devastation Shape the Modern ‘Pandemic Recipe’

Picture of large room with floor divided into squares and people sitting on red stools in each one.

As the pandemic rages the lessons on how to end it becomes more vital and this is what Richard Conniff the author of the upcoming book ‘Ending Epidemics’ is trying to elaborate in this month’s National Geographic cover story.

Here’s what he says.

The Collective Feeling of a Pandemic

On a Sunday early in March, as the COVID-19 outbreak was racing across the planet, the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Pike pitched and rolled en route to the cruise ship Grand Princess, waiting 14 miles off the coast of...