ZEMBA deal will see Gasum bunker Hapag-Lloyd ships with 20,000 tonnes of bio-LNG

Nordic region energy company Gasum Oy is to supply Hapag-Lloyd containerships with liquefied biomethane (bio-LNG) over a two-year tender period. Earlier this year, Hapag-Lloyd won the first tender by the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA) for ocean shipping based on waste-based bio-LNG that achieves at least a 90% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Key cargo owners look for zero-emission shipping by 2025

Established in 2023, ZEMBA is an initiative of Cargo Owners for Zero...


The Aspen Institute, Amazon, Patagonia, And Tchibo Launch ZEMBA

Credits: motomoto sc/ Unsplash

The Aspen Institute, Amazon, Patagonia, and Tchibo Launch the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA) to Accelerate Maritime Shipping Decarbonization,says an article published on cozev.

Non-profit organization

Climate event in Miami Beach, Florida, USA, the Aspen Institute was pleased to announce the formation of the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA), alongside co-founders Amazon, Patagonia, and Tchibo.

Currently available

As a non-profit...
