Defuse this shipping sector ‘timebomb’ – lift travel restrictions on seafarers

Time is running out to lift travel restrictions on seafarers and keep global trade moving, the shipping industry has warned.
Around 100,000 crew changes are required every month, according to the International Chamber Shipping (ICS), which called on governments to designate seafarers as key workers and allow them to transit their territories.
However, in a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus, ports around the world continue to restrict when crew can …

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More seafarers being abandoned on board their ships

Just under 5,000 seafarers have been recorded as being abandoned on 336 ships since 2004. Figures from the IMO and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) reported in Splash 24/7, indicate that, far from declining, instances of abandoning crew are worsening. In fact by last month, the IMO/ILO database had recorded 13 ships on which crew had been abandoned – ahead of the five-year average of 12-17 prior to 2018. A …

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