Ulstein Verft begins outfitting first BS Offshore SX222 CSOV


The hull of the first of two Twin X-Stern commissioning service operation vessels under construction for Bernhard Schulte Offshore (BS Offshore) arrived at Ulstein Verft in Norway on Dec. 18, 2024. This milestone marked the start-up of outfitting of the SX222 CSOV design vessel (Yard No. 320) at the shipyard.

Photo: Ulstein

The hull of the SX222 CSOV was constructed at the Crist shipyard in Poland, with all the design and engineering being carried out by Ulstein companies, including Ulstein...


Keel laid for Bernhard Schulte Offshore’s newest CSOV

Laying of the keel of the second CSOV in a series ordered by Bernhard Schulte Offshore from Ulstein

Polish shipbuilder Crist has laid the keel of a new commissioning service operation vessel (CSOV) ordered by German offshore services company Bernhard Schulte Offshore. The CSOV is the second in a series being built jointly by Crist and Norwegian shipyard Ulstein Verft. Following construction of...


Ulstein Verft launches first of two Olympic CSOVs

CSOV towed out of Ulstein Verft building hall

Ulstein reports that the first of two advanced offshore wind construction service and operation vessels under construction for Norway’s Olympic Subsea ASA has been launched from the dock hall at its Ulstein Verft shipyard in Norway. The vessel uses Ulstein’s novel Twin X-Stern solution, described as a “four-wheel-drive solution for the seas.”

The vessel, the Olympic Boreas, is yard number 318 and the first of two sister vessels being built at Ulstein Verft for Olympic under a contract signed in...


Olympic Subsea’s newest CSOV hits the water

Olympic Subsea's commissioning service operation vessel Olympic Boreas being launched at Ulstein Verft's facilities in Norway

Norwegian shipbuilder Ulstein Verft has launched a new commissioning service operation vessel (CSOV) ordered by compatriot offshore services provider Olympic Subsea. Olympic Boreas is the first in a series of two CSOVS being built for Olympic Subsea. Each will have a length of 89.6 metres, a beam...


VESSEL REVIEW | Altera – Hybrid Ro-Pax to sail on Finferries’ Turku archipelago routes

Finnish transport company the Suomen Lauttaliikenne Group, which operates under the trade name Finferries, recently took delivery of a new hybrid double-ended Ro-Pax ferr ..

The post VESSEL REVIEW | Altera – Hybrid Ro-Pax to sail on Finferries’ Turku archipelago routes appeared first on Baird...


Work Boat World Passenger Vessel Orders and Deliveries Roundup – July 8, 2022

A US cruise line expands its fleet of expedition ships while new battery-powered Ro-Paxes will soon begin operations in Norway and Finland. An Italian operator secures ad ..

The post Work Boat World Passenger Vessel Orders and Deliveries Roundup – July 8, 2022 appeared first on Baird Maritime.
