UK reveals hand with stablecoin announcement, Hungarian national elections, and more

UK reveals hand with stablecoin announcement

By Lewis McLellan

The UK is setting itself up as a ‘global cryptoasset technology hub’, but what does this really mean? On 4 April, the government announced plans to bring stablecoins within regulation to pave the way for their use in the UK as a valid form of payment. 

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak no doubt hopes that, thanks to his announcement, the UK will compare favourably with the European Union as an attractive destination for companies...

Cryptoassets and stablecoins require new regulatory approaches

Cryptoassets and stablecoins require new regulatory approaches

Wednesday 16 February 2022 – Vol.13 Ed.7.3

Commentary: Stablecoin issuers need different regulations to banks

By Philip Middleton in London

The decision by Meta to abandon its proposed stablecoin, Diem, in the face of widespread opposition from central banks, regulators and some governments has been met by sighs of relief. Yet it is certain that several Diem-style business models will soon be offered to regulators worldwide. New and...

Navigating regulatory landscapes: Cryptoassets and compliance in Asia

Navigating regulatory landscapes: Cryptoassets and compliance in Asia

Tuesday 3 August 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.31.2

Commentary: Cryptoasset markets moving too fast for clear regulation and valuation

By Katie-Ann Wilson in London

Panellists at a recent event co-hosted by OMFIF’s Digital Monetary Institute and Kroll identified the imminent need for clear regulation and valuation of cryptoassets. Likening the crypto explosion to the dot-com bubble in the 1990s, the panellists acknowledged there needs to be a...

Legal issues hold back blockchain as investors explore cryptoassets

Legal issues hold back blockchain as investors explore cryptoassets

Monday 12 July 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.28.1

Commentary: Conspiracy law could solve blockchain’s oversight problem

By Michael Kanovitz and Ruth Brown

New blockchain adopters will encounter a gamut of crimes for which they are ill-prepared. But the response thus far has been tepid despite a deluge of complaints. Legal protection is needed but will require blockchain architectures to be fixed. For blockchains that refuse to comply,...