Ports Too Quick To Ban Open-loop Scrubbers! Study Says No Breach of Guidelines!

  • Study says open-loop scrubber discharge does not breach guidelines.
  • Increase in traceable pollutants from open-loop scrubbers in port water and sediments shown but levels are far below the established guidelines.
  • CE Delft presented the paper to IMO during PPR 7 in February 2020 and also to delegates at the 2020 Clean Shipping Alliance in London.

A study by CE Delft shows that the level of traceable pollutants from open-loop scrubbers in port water and sediments are far below the established...


CSA 2020: Scrubbers Removing More Sulphur Than Mandatory Requirement

container-ship_shipping representation Image

Scrubber reliability and their emissions-reducing efficiency were addressed in February during a technical seminar in which members of the Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) 2020 reported on the installation and performance of their respective exhaust gas cleaning systems.

A shipowner panel comprising Grimaldi Group, Genco Shipping and Trading, and Spliethoff informed delegates that, despite initial installation problems, there had been little by way of mechanical breakdown, corrosion or...


World’s Biggest Scrubber Suppliers Created As Manufacturers Merge!

According to a Safety4Sea report, two scrubber manufacturers, Clean Marine and FMSI, backed by Frontline and Navig8 Group have completed a merger with the aim to create one of the world’s biggest suppliers of exhaust gas cleaning kits, as planned earlier in October.

What is it?

In October, 18 companies from the cruise and commercial shipping industry have created the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 to promote the use of scrubbers to comply with the IMO 0.5% global sulphur cap in 2020.

CSA 2020



Substandard Scrubber Materials!, Warns Yara Marine

Scrubber manufacturer Yara Marine has stressed the importance of using quality materials to build exhaust gas cleaning systems, reports Ship&Bunker.

Similar comment from CSA 2020

The comments follow a similar message recently made by scrubber advocate group Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (CSA2020). 

The comment is after the circulation of footage showing an engine room being flooded due to a scrubber malfunction, although this was played down by vessel owner Oldendorff.

Recent study by ATI



No Clear Conclusions on Emissions Reduction Strategy, Condemns CSA

The Clean Shipping Association condemns IMO’s negotiations in dealing with talks concerning reducing shipping emissions, reports Safety4Sea.

Lack of progress

Following the previous week’s IMO’s talks concerning reducing shipping emissions, the Clean Shipping Association comments that the negotiations in dealing with this issue are “concerning and disappointing.”

The Coalition highlights the lack of progress, as two years have already passed since the IMO agreed on its initial GHG strategy, and...


CSA 2020: Malaysian ban of open-loop scrubbers ‘likely not science-based’

Members of the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 expressed disappointment in regard to Malaysia’s recently-announced decision to prohibit the use of open-loop scrubbers in its coastal waters, stressing concerns for shipowners who have already opted for scrubbers as a way of compliance with the 2020 sulphur cap.

Under Malaysia Shipping Notice (MSN 07/2019) published on the 12 November, ships calling to Malaysian Ports are advised to change over to compliant fuel oil or change over to closed-loop/...


Malaysia Prohibits Use Of Open-Loop Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems, CSA 2020 Disappointed

pollution sunset

Members of the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 have expressed disappointment in Malaysia’s decision to prohibit the use of open-loop exhaust gas cleaning systems in its coastal waters.

The Malaysia Shipping Notice (MSN 07/2019), published on the 12th November, states that ships calling to Malaysian Ports are advised to change over to compliant fuel oil or change over to closed-loop/hybrid systems before entering Malaysian waters and ports.

“We are disappointed in this announcement,” said CSA 2020...


Scrubbers Stand The Test of Time!

  • Scrubbers are increasingly popular with large tanker companies.
  • Scientists emphasize larger emissions of greenhouse gases during the production of low sulfur fuel as compared with that of high sulfur content.
  • Depending on a ship class, the average scrubber price is $4-$5 million including installation that takes up to half a year.

According to an article published in Port News, although some large ports worldwide impose bans on open-loop scrubbers and closed ones feature high price and weight,...
