3 tips to boost your CSA scores

There is a well-known saying: “Everyone is responsible for workplace safety.” While this holds some truth, it fails to mention that accountability is the other side of the coin. Everyone should do their part to ensure safe operations, but laws are in place for companies and key personnel to be held accountable for safety in their workplaces.

Countless commercial drivers share the road with the general public for long hours each day, and they operate equipment from 25,000 pounds to 80,000 pounds...


SMS scores: What are they and how are they calculated?

What’s an SMS score and how am I rated? Is a higher score more desirable?

Reliance Partners Director of Safety Robert Kaferle answers these questions and more as he dives into carrier performance metrics on this episode of WHAT THE TRUCK?!? 

If you’re unsure what an SMS score is, then this is a good place to start.

SMS, or Safety Measurement System, is a workload prioritization tool that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration uses to identify carriers with potential safety problems for...


La compañía de camiones de Indiana se declara en quiebra después de que la FMCSA ordene el cese de las operaciones

A white truck with the word bankrupt written on the trailer.

Una empresa de camiones con sede en Indiana presentó recientemente el Capítulo 11, más de un mes después de que la Administración Federal de Seguridad de Autotransportes ordenara al transportista suspender las operaciones interestatales tras recibir una calificación insatisfactoria.

JCB Trucking Enterprises LLC, con sede en Lafayette, Indiana, presentó su petición en el Tribunal de Quiebras de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Norte de Indiana el 18 de marzo.

En su presentación, JCB Trucking...


JCB Trucking Enterprises files bankruptcy after FMCSA orders operations halt

An Indiana-based trucking company recently filed Chapter 11, more than a month after the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ordered the carrier to suspend interstate operations after receiving an unsatisfactory rating.

JCB Trucking Enterprises LLC, headquartered in Lafayette, Indiana, filed its petition in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Indiana on March 18.

In its filing, JCB Trucking Enterprises lists its assets as up to $50,000 and its liabilities as between $1...


The path to ending FMCSA violations

Jennifer pulled her 53-foot rig into the highway weigh station for what she assumed was the standard enforcement stop. While she had only been driving on her own for about six months, Jennifer had gone through a number of these routine checks.

This one was different. The enforcement officer asked to see her ELD data. Jennifer was prepared: She had been trained by her fleet on how to handle the situation and provided the officer all the necessary information. Hoping the stop would go smoothly,...


Squelch high CSA scores to broaden your insurance options

Sometimes it’s best not to be in the upper percentile. That is certainly the case for Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) BASICs scores. Not only do the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and curious shippers regularly view this information, but these scores also play a major role in determining whether or not a motor carrier or owner-operator will be classified as a high risk to insurers.

Insurance rates are on the rise thanks to factors such as distracted driving and...
