Cyber security incidents reduced, but more measures are needed, report says

BIMCO, Fairplay and ABS Advanced Solutions conducted a cyber security survey, which showed that while the number of cyber related attacks within the last 12 months has decreased, protective measures, training and awareness need to improve.

According to the survey, more than a fifth reported that they had been the victim of an attack. In addition, 72% of these mentioned that their own company was a victim of a cyber related incident in the last 12 months.

Moreover, 27% of respondents reported that...

Cyber attack hits San Diego Port

The Port of San Diego informed that it has experienced a serious cyber security incident. The cyber attack disrupted the port’s information technology systems. Port employees are working with limited functionality.

As the Port informed, it received the first reports of the attack on Tuesday, September 25. It then deployed a team of industry experts and local, regional, state and federal partners in an attempt to try and limit the impacts and restore system functionality, while focusing on public...

US reveals strategy to improve cyber security

US’s President Donald Trump signed America’s National Cyber Strategy. This strategy states that it will use all available means to keep America safe from cyber threats, while it mentions that cyber security in the maritime sector is of particular concern.

Mr. Trump said that the costs of malicious cyber activity cannot be ignored.

Guided by this National Cyber Strategy, the Federal Government will be better equipped to protect the American people, the American homeland, and the American way of...