IACS Publishes Recommendation on Cyber Resilience

  • IACS has published its Recommendation on Cyber Resilience (No.166).
  • This will assist owners as they review their Safety Management Systems for compliance with IMO Resolution.
  • It mandates that cyber risks are appropriately addressed in safety management systems.
  • It is the first annual verification of the Document of Compliance after 1 January 2021.

According to an article published in West Pandi, this is a simple standalone ISACS Recommendation that consolidates IACS’s previous twelve...


Recommendations Issued To Handle Cyber Attack Threats

Cyber attacks have become an expanding and real threat to vessels which have shifted the risk from internal vulnerabilities to external ones. International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has published a new recommendation on how to build cyber resilient ships, says an article published in StandardClub website.

Cyber attack threat to vessels 

Shipping industry has increasingly incorporated technology to reduce human error in management and vessel navigation with some successful...


The ISM Code Crucial for Cyber Resilience

The ISM Code is now more important than ever, to ensure that vessels report any identified cyber risk, and become cyber resilient, reports Safety4Sea.

About ISM Code 
  • The ISM Code entered into force on 1 July 1998.
  • Code has been revised multiple times, following the changes and the evolution of the shipping industry.
What is the requirement?

In the new era of digitalization, the ISM Code, supported by the IMO Resolution MSC.428(98), requires ship owners and managers to assess cyber risk and...


IACS Publishes Single Standalone Recommendation on Cyber Resilience

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) published its Recommendation on Cyber Resilience, that applies to all the networks onboard a system that makes use of digital communication to interconnect systems, says a press release published on their website.

Cyber Resilience Recommendation

The single, standalone Recommendation consolidates IACS’ previous 12 Recommendations related to cyber resilience. For more information please click here

This standalone recommendation...


China cooling spreads beyond borders, Cyber resilience and financial stability

Commentary: China cooling spreads beyond borders

By Steve Hanke in Baltimore

The Shanghai Composite Index tumbled by more than 9% in October, and has shed 25% for the year. To determine the probability of a cool down, one must look at the money supply, broadly measured. The relationship between the growth rate of the money supply and nominal GDP is unambiguous and overwhelming. It is unsurprising that Chinese stock markets have been rattled. Moreover, as China has for some time been the biggest...
