Guidelines On Improving Cyber Security for 2021

Every business and every individual can be subject to cyber threats. Cyber-crime is a massive business; hackers are very well-organized, and they put a lot of time and effort before launching a cyber-attack, says an article published on Safety4Sea.

A significant challenge

The last couple years, cyber security has become a significant challenge for the maritime industry as well. In this regard, IMO took the decision to embed cyber security into Safety Management Systems; not much time has left...

Pfizer Vaccine Data Breach Shows the Extent of Vaccine Cyber Threat

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) says it has been hit by a cyber-attack and documents relating to a Covid-19 vaccine have been accessed, reports BBC. 

What happened?

BioNTech, which makes one of the vaccines in partnership with Pfizer, said its regulatory submission was accessed during the attack.

The EMA is working on approval of two Covid-19 vaccines, which it expects to conclude within weeks.

No Impact on Vaccine Approval?

The cyber-attack was not expected to impact that timeline, BioNTech...

Phishing attempts: The most imitated brands

Port of Amsterdam provided an updated, warning about brand phishing attacks and how organizations can be protected and never ‘bite’ into a phishing email.

Security firm Check Point Software Technologies released its ‘Brand Phishing’ report,  highlighting well-known brands most often impersonated by cyber criminals to steal personal or payment information from individuals in the past quarter.

A fire phishing attack is a cyber attack in which criminals attempt to emulate the official website of a...

13 cyber security challenges ports face

The European Union Agency of Cyber Security’s report on smart ports and technology, presents the pros and cons of technology in the shipping industry, focusing also on the cyber security challenges the ports may have to deal with.

The “Port Cybersecurity” report published in December 2019, highlights that because of the rapid development of digitalization ports now have to deal with a great number of cybersecurity challenges, some of them are quite generic within any IT and OT environment, while...

MSC hit by potential cyber attack

Swiss-based container shipping major Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) suspect that they have been cyber attacked as their social media accounts and website were not available.

Specifically, Lars Jensen, CEO and Partner of Sea Intelligence Consulting, commented via his Linkedin account that

At the time of writing this, has been down for 10 hours, and for now I have received information that this is the result of a successful cyberattack. Mail services are still working and MSC has an...

ICC: Tips for cyber-security against COVID-19 scammers

A striking issue that arose from COVID-19 is cyber attacks; It has been reported that scammers are taking advantage of the fear and doubt created by the pandemic, attacking to those who are looking for protection. Therefore, ICC’s Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) team provided some tips to boost people’s cyber resilience.

In light of the alarming situation, Tima Soni, Chief, Cyber Security Section, ICC stated that

In order to be able to take advantage of the current situation, threat actors will...

6 steps for an efficient cyber-risk management

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment is of great importance, as cyber risks are part of any technology-oriented business.  Factors like lax cybersecurity policies and technological solutions that are vulnerable, may expose an organization to security dangers.

Failure to manage such risks gives cybercriminals the opportunity to carry out attacks. However, a cybersecurity risk assessment enables a business to detect threats. A proper cybersecurity risk assessment has the following importance:

  • Reduced...

Infographic: IoT attacks rose in 2019

SonicWall, a cyber security company, launched an infographic based on its 2020 report, concerning the cyber threats that heavily targeted Internet of Thing (IoT) devices in 2019.

IoT technology generally refers to ‘smart devices’. These are equipped with electronics, software, sensors and network connectivity, in order to be able to be connected to the internet.

click on the image to view full infographic

According to the infographic above:

  • IoT attack volume increase 

In 2019, SonicWall discovered...

Working at home? Here are 5 ways to tackle cyber threats

COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our lives. One of these is working. Until today, jobs were closely linked with offices, but in the coronavirus age, citizens are urged to #stayhome and work from there in order to stop the spread. In this article, you will find key tips on how to be cyber safe, in the comfort of your home.

Even before COVID-19, working-from-home culture was being adopted by almost one in five workers from around the world.

Today, with a computer or mobile device and a stable...

Phishing emails and COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis is the chance for hackers to attack, following the stress of people and their need to find answers and solutions. That is why, it has been reported that email scams linked to coronavirus have increased dramatically.

BBC reports that email scams are rapidly increasing being a severe threat to those unaware of the risks. Therefore, they present five campaigns that use phishing email, with language written in English, French, Italian, Japanese, and Turkish.

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