Breaking down the walls of Web3 — Cyberly

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You’ve likely heard about NFT’s, crypto currencies, and the metaverse, but all of these phrases fall under one large technological system: Web3.

In today’s episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve chats with one of the co-founders of VenusVerse–which is an online educational platform, incubator, and NFT collection dedicated to getting more women into the Web3 space.

The two cover the very basics of Web3, it’s expanding components, and how you can start exploring and succeeding in this new digital...

Shipping history is world history — Cyberly

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The phrase “if you don’t study history, you’re doomed to repeat it,” is one that gets tossed around pretty frequently. But if it is so important, why has much of the shipping world operated in a silo, making the same mistakes and not learning from those mistakes? 

Blythe Brumleve digs into that question on this episode of Cyberly with maritime history professor Sal Mercogliano. The two also connect history to marketing because the history of shipping is the history of the world, and a good...

AI, NFTs: Breaking down the acronyms — Cyberly

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The acronyms NFTs and AI are getting thrown around a lot. While new technologies are sure to change lives in the future, they are being put to work today. 

For example, in this episode of Cyberly, host Blythe Brumleve talks about how a one-person marketing team can use artificial intelligence already on the market to get back hours in the workday. 

She also chats with futurism creator Nasjaq on his favorite startups and what the purpose is for NFTs — non-fungible tokens — and how people can use...

Website and marketing must-haves for 2022 — Cyberly

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It’s that time of the year again when budgets, goals, analysis and planning are high priorities for businesses. For marketers, it can feel like all of these things pile on at once and can become overwhelming really quickly. 

On this episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve welcomes her first repeat guest, Kyle MacNaught, Freight Plus’ director of marketing, to talk through the marketing and website must-haves for 2022. The two discuss what tech and strategies you should use and which to avoid in the...

Pros and cons of the cold email — Cyberly

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Marketers and entrepreneurs have probably been faced with the temptation of obtaining email and contact information for potential prospects, but what happens after you get that information?

On this episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve breaks down how to make sure that outreach doesn’t damage your brand but still gets your name in front of someone who may be interested in working with you. She looks at the benefits and drawbacks of using that email list for cold outreach before establishing...

Do you know how customers hear about your business? — Cyberly

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Any good marketer should be able to answer the simple question: “What are the top two channels our customers heard about or follow us on?”

On this episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve tells you how adding a simple question to your website form or sales process can have a huge impact on how marketing budgets are spent. 

She talks to Kevin Nakao, Spire Maritime’s head of product, about why he hates using marketing qualified leads.

You can find more Cyberly episodes and recaps for all our live...

The holistic value for marketing operations — Cyberly

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Around this time of the year, most businesses are wondering, “Are we on the right track?” Managers are planning budgets, trying to decide where to invest and where to cut back. 

That’s where the power of marketing operations comes into play, and it’s essential to know some key foundational skills that will help the company invest in marketing where it makes the most sense. 

On this episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve discusses that broader approach to marketing with  FreightFriend’s Director of...

The power of niche audience education — Cyberly

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On this episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve is tackling a big issue in the industry: education. She starts by breaking down a new 3PL study that reveals what shippers want out of their 3PL partnerships, which is a good way for companies to understand specific points to educate their employees. 

Brumleve welcomes two creators, Gabby Salazar, a merchant mariner, and Cory Connors, a sustainable packaging expert. Both have amassed thousands of followers with their TikTok content by simply educating...

How do we fix the supply chain mess? — Cyberly

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You’ve likely heard the reports of a record number of ships off the Port of LA waiting to be unloaded — blaming the “shortage” of drivers and warehouse workers, as well as an explosion of e-commerce orders. Blythe Brumleve looks at why the global supply chain is in such disarray with the host of Let’s Talk Supply Chain Sarah Barnes-Humphrey and the host of Navigate B2B Steve Ferreira. 

Also on this episode of Cyberly, Brumleve is breaking down Facebook’s troublesome history after a new “60...

Content creators versus artificial intelligence — Cyberly

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Many creatives have felt rather safe from the robotic takeover that has already touched so many other industries. But with new artificial intelligence tools creeping their way into the creative arts market, it may soon be difficult to tell the difference between humans and robots when it comes to audio creation, video production or writing. 

Blythe Brumleve talks to Lindsay Watt of Parade.AI and Ayman Husain, director of customer success at Microsoft, about their goals to help the freight...