Maximizing the potential of biofuels in shipping

A white paper by DNV examines the growing uptake of biofuels in shipping and provides practical guidance around their use.

With several biofuels seen as “sustainable”, these can provide immediate decarbonization results for shipowners, especially as they can be deployed as a “drop-in” fuel to engines designed for operation on conventional fuel oils. The DNV white paper examines the latest supply and bunkering trends while providing details of the most important technical and operational...

Podcast: MEPC 83: Stay ahead of critical GHG negotiations

Welcome to the ninth series of the Maritime Impact podcast. In this first episode, host Eirik Nyhus explores what to expect from the IMO’s MEPC 83.

Eirik dives into the critical takeaways from the “Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships”, ISWG-GHG 18 and what to anticipate for MEPC 83 as the IMO approaches final approval of the mid-term GHG measures.

Listen now to stay informed on the road to MEPC 83.

You can...

DNV’s Maritime Academy course – MLC 2006 Implementation and Compliance

MLC 2006 Implementation and Compliance

DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 3 April 2025, a course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006). The convention is in force and every ship and ship owner has to comply with it.

But what is the learning curve within the past few months. Where are the major findings detected during Maritime Labour Inspections? Where could your system be improved to be ahead of upcoming problems?

Within the course you will refresh your general knowledge...

New Report Data from HFW, CyberOwl and Thetius highlights urgency of Maritime Industry in tackling growing Cyber Threats

Tom Walters, Partner, HFW.

Only 1 in 6 shipowners fully understand what a cyber-secure vessel should look like upon delivery, highlighting a critical gap in the industry’s approach to maritime cybersecurity. The report, published by ThetiusCyberOwl, a DNV company and HFW, explores key stakeholder challenges and approaches to managing cybersecurity across the lifecycle of a vessel. 

The Lifecycle Dilemma: Navigating Cybersecurity Risks Across Designing, Constructing and Operating a Vessel delves...

DNV’s Maritime Academy Course -Site Teams’ Quality Control Inspections in the Shipbuilding Yard

Site Teams’ Quality Control Inspections in the Shipbuilding Yard

DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 27 and 28 March 2025, a course on how to establish a reliable site team in order to achieve quality control inspections..

Course Objectives

To enrich the capabilities and knowledge of all participants, to establish an effective and reinforced site-team to respond to all complicated and specialized requirements of any N/B project (regardless the previous experience of the participants, or...

DNV Maritime Academy Hellas: REMINDER – BEHAVIOUR BASED SAFETY (BBS) training course

Vassilia Dimitrakou, Senior Academy Advisor, Deputy Regional Maritime Academies Manager

Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS)

The effective way to positively affect human behaviour and contribute to a safe and efficient working environment

Safety research, over the last century, has revealed that human error is the primal contributing factor to the majority of casualties in the maritime industry.

Although the introduction of technology in the shipping industry aims to improve a ships’ competitiveness and...

Energy-efficiency report – solutions and strategies for different ship types

Key solutions and strategies for Maritime’s decarbonization journey

As regulatory pressure grows and alternative fuel supply continues to develop, energy efficiency is critical in meeting our decarbonization goals. In addition to reducing emissions, it can also cut costs and complement the adoption of low-carbon fuels.

To help the maritime industry navigate these challenges, DNV has published the “Energy-efficiency measures and technologies” report.

Inside, you’ll find:
– A comprehensive...

IMO Sub-Committee on ship systems and equipment (SSE 11)

The 11th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 11) took place from 24 to 28 February 2025. SSE 11 agreed on draft amendments to the design and prototype test requirements for the arrangements used in simulated the launching of free-fall lifeboats.

Measures for the detection and control of fires in the cargo areas of container ships were progressed, and an action plan for the consideration of fire risks for ships carrying electrical vehicles and other new-energy...

DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas: MARINE INSURANCE & CLAIMS

Dr. Marina Papaioannou


DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 12 and 13 March 2025, a two-day course on Marine Insurance and Claims. The workshop is designed for those working in the operation and in dealing with insurance and claims matters, in shipowning and management companies. It aims to give an understanding of the legal and practical aspects of marine insurance and claims management.

Venue, date:  DNV Premises, 12-13 March 2025  (10:00 – 17:00)           
