[Watch] Ghost Ship Washed Ashore A Year Ago Continues To Pose Threat

One year after grounding, an abandoned cargo ship continues to pose a hazard in Ireland, reports The Guardian.

About the incident

The cargo ship actually has quite the back story. The 250-foot Tanzania-flagged ship had been abandoned at sea for over a year when it finally washed up in Cork County, Ireland back on February 16, 2020.

The vessel first made headlines in October 2018 when the U.S. Coast Guard rescued its 10 crew members after the vessel had become disabled more than 1,300 miles from...


UK launches Maritime Safety Action plan

The UK Government announced the launch of a campaign that aims to improve safety on water, targeting people who drink while onboard. The campaign is part of the first Maritime Safety Action plan, published on July 1, by the Department for Transport.

Specifically, the campaign along with the Action plan aim to reduce and eliminate preventable deaths, while also setting out the work the government and its agencies are already doing.

Maritime Safety is crucial for the UK, as they rely on the...


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