Maersk and Danone team up to cut logistics emissions

Danone, a global food and beverage company, is joining forces with Maersk to minimize its logistics greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through Maersk’s ECO Delivery Ocean product.

Maersk’s product is based on reduced GHG emission fuels like bio-diesel or bio-methanol which are produced solely from waste feedstocks. These fuels are then used on vessels across the Maersk fleet.

With the applied version of ECO Delivery Ocean by Danone, the GHG emissions are reduced by more than 40% compared to...

Maersk on board journey to zero emissions

A.P. Møller – Maersk is one of nine global corporate powerhouses working together to accelerate the transition to a world with net-zero emissions.

The launch of Transform to Net Zero was announced Tuesday by the leaders of the nine companies. In addition to Maersk, the world’s largest container shipping line, the founding members are Danone, Mercedes-Benz AG, Microsoft Corp., Natura &Co., Nike Inc., Starbucks, Unilever and Wipro. They are joined by the Environmental Defense Fund and supported by

Maersk joins zero-emissions global initiative

AP Møller Maersk is participating in a new initiative by nine companies that aims to accelerate the transition to a net zero global economy.

The initiative, known as Transform to Net Zero was launched on 21 July, intends to develop and deliver research, guidance, and implementable roadmaps to enable all businesses to achieve net zero emissions, according to a statement.

The initiative will be led by founding members including AP Møller – Maersk, Danone, Mercedes-Benz AG, Microsoft, Natura & Co,...