Op-Ed: Optimizing maritime efficiency through data insights

By Iebum Shin, Data Analytics Lead, Houlder

As the maritime industry evolves, a range of efficiency technologies—spanning rigid wing sails to air lubrication systems—are being touted as key solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving operational efficiency. However, the real challenge lies in assessing their impact, determining their value, and integrating them effectively into existing fleets. Data analytics, according to Iebum Shin, Data Analytics Lead at Houlder, is the...


EBDG and ioCurrents ink MOU on data driven marine innovation

Seattle based naval architect firm Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Kirkland, Wash., headquartered ioCurrents (IOC), a data analytics specialist with a focus on maritime fleet optimization.
Under the agreement, EBDG and IOC will explore new ideas for collecting and evaluating operating and performance data to reduce vessel costs and emissions and yield other potential benefits to the maritime industry. As part of this process, they will host an...


Enhancing customer experience with supply chain technology

Technology plays an increasingly large role in how supply chains operate and has created a sea change for the industry. Innovations such as analytics, virtual reality and warehouse automation have enabled lower costs, streamlined operations and happier customers. In fact, a majority of supply chain organizations embrace technology integration as a competitive advantage and are making sizable investments in it.

Let’s explore several innovations supply chain companies rely on in their day-to-day...


Supply chains have a forecasting problem

High frequency data is the solution to navigating a volatile environment

Warehouses are full of unneeded inventory due to the fact companies like Target and Walmart could not predict demand and production capability effectively. While few companies have come out with a supply chain success story from the past two years, there are lessons to be learned from the gross failure of demand side forecasts.  

The Outbound Tender Volume Index (OTVI) that measures truckload demand did not predict the...


Why I believe a freight recession is imminent

Trucks at a dock. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Last week, I published an article entitled “Just 3 years after 2019’s trucking bloodbath, another is on the way.”

For anyone who lived through the trucking debacle of 2019 – when carrier after carrier suddenly shut their doors – the thought of experiencing that again is truly frightening. After all, we lost some very large carriers during that period , including Celadon, Falcon and NEMF, just to name a few. In addition, we lost thousands of small and mid-sized trucking companies. In addition,...


Moves like Jaggaer: The forefront of automatic replenishment

Jaggaer is at the forefront of the autonomous commerce revolution

Moving product from supplier to buyer is one of the biggest challenges brands face amid supply chain disruptions that have driven a wedge in the procurement process. But nobody moves quite like Jaggaer.

Headquartered within the Research Triangle in North Carolina, Jaggaer is a software platform that automates procurement for major clients like Siemens, JLL, AstraZeneca and even the government of Dubai. The company’s flagship solution, Jaggaer One, is a part of what CEO Jim Bureau has dubbed the...


GSCW chat: Predictive and prescriptive analytics’ place in the supply chain

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Predictive and prescriptive analytics 

DETAILS: When you are making a value proposition to current and prospective customers, prescriptive and performance analytics should be part of your continuous improvement plan. Randy Ofiara chats about all things continuous improvement and the value of historical data as a way to move forward.

SPEAKER: Randy Ofiara, VP managed logistics, BlueGrace Logistics.

BIO: Ofiara has a background in transportation ranging from automotive and...


Medically Necessary: Data, Data, Data

Investing In Data Management

The world of supply chain management in health care is evolving extremely fast, as COVID-19 (see graph) has been a significant influencer of technology development. However, like COVID, the state of some organizations’ data was a shock; many were unprepared for the future and the cost associated with modernizing. It is estimated that most companies will be increasing their technology budgets, but with a worldwide shortage of semiconductors and other parts, the...


Commentary: 5 keys for CPG firms to better manage the supply chain crisis

The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates.

Shoppers across the globe will likely be greeted by empty shelves or website stock-outs during the 2021 holiday season. It’s a perfect supply chain storm of increased demand and severely constrained supply and labor. Pent-up demand from the pandemic is leading to an increase in both online and in-store orders while Covid-19-related restrictions, combined with...
