Why I believe a freight recession is imminent

Trucks at a dock. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Last week, I published an article entitled “Just 3 years after 2019’s trucking bloodbath, another is on the way.”

For anyone who lived through the trucking debacle of 2019 – when carrier after carrier suddenly shut their doors – the thought of experiencing that again is truly frightening. After all, we lost some very large carriers during that period , including Celadon, Falcon and NEMF, just to name a few. In addition, we lost thousands of small and mid-sized trucking companies. In addition,...


Interos helps companies realize, act on supply chain risk

Interos helps companies realize and act on their supply chain risk (Photo: Interos)

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended supply chains, changing logistics stakeholders’ perspectives on risk within their operations. 

Businesses now more than ever are scrambling to gain more visibility into their processes. This visibility is essential as it remains one of the hurdles for businesses to understand their association with stakeholders from both upstream and downstream operations. 

Interos, a risk management company, is looking to ease this struggle by using artificial intelligence (AI)...
