What is value in the health care supply chain?

Value statements, or Value propositions

Each have different definitions and objectives, but they are relatively the same within various industries. And then there’s the health care supply chain. What’s the value proposition?

Pinpointing the priorities:

Supply chain in health care has many competing value statements within any given organization. The elasticity and influence of the supply chain in health care have many competing objectives — values — inside the same organization. The ability to...


ABS Advises On Data Quality For Marine & Offshore Applications

ABS has published guidance on improving data quality in the latest stage of its commitment to guiding the marine and offshore industries’ adoption of digital technologies, says on article published on xinde marine news website.

ABS advisory

ABS Advisory on Data Quality for Marine and Offshore Application − Transactional Data sets out a systematic and consistent data quality assurance and control methodology to assess, secure and continuously improve transactional data quality.

Together with the...
