Ocean shipping lobby grilled on carrier profits

After hearing testimony from fellow witnesses on how jammed supply chains and exorbitant shipping charges are hammering their businesses, World Shipping Council President and CEO John Butler was asked how some of his ocean carrier members can justify their best financial quarter in decades.

“The price situation right now is entirely unfamiliar to us,” Butler acknowledged during a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Tuesday. “For the last 20 years, the ocean shipping business has been lucky to...


FMC to study how data can speed container delivery

The Federal Maritime Commission will attempt to pinpoint how data can help speed the flow of containers through the supply chain in an initiative to be spearheaded by Commissioner Carl Bentzel.

The multi-phased effort, announced on Monday, “will propose recommendations for common data standards used by the international shipping supply chain, as well as access policies and protocols that would streamline information sharing across the ocean supply chain,” according to the FMC.

Initial findings...


Commentary: Data sharing offers limited customer service

The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates.

To shine light into the metaphorical black box where transporting items from point A to B takes place, reliable data is necessary to understand what is happening over the network as time passes by. As a physical activity subject to time, and taking place over a defined route, for-hire transportation services are quite measurable. When data is generated, it makes...


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