How to successfully dispute violations with DataQs

Almost every motor carrier that has been around for any length of time has likely been hit with violations during a roadside inspection. In fact, of the 2.8 million federal and state roadside inspections conducted last year, nearly 59% resulted in a violation, according to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration data. 

There are bound to be circumstances in which violations are unjustified and warrant further investigation. When carriers, drivers or their representatives think a violation...

FMCSA proposing crash-data appeals process for drivers

WASHINGTON — Federal regulators are answering a call from drivers and carriers to fix the review process for questions about the accuracy of safety data.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is seeking feedback from the trucking industry on a proposed process that involves FMCSA being the final arbiter of alleged inaccuracies in crash and inspection data stored by state agencies.

The proposed change in the review process was triggered by concerns about transparency and uniformity in...

PSP records: A driver’s resume

As its name suggests, the Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) is used by motor carriers ahead of a hiring decision to evaluate a prospective driver’s safety history. 

As such, drivers should treat their PSP records like a resume, said Mark Barlar, director of DOT regulatory compliance at Reliance Partners, a trucking insurance and safety consulting agency.

While PSP records are sometimes inaccurately referred to as scores, they are not numerical values. Instead, the reports are compilations of...

Challenging crash, inspection reports with DataQs

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Post-accident violations? They may be challengeable

Has a post-accident inspection ever blemished your compliance, safety and accountability score? If so, there’s a chance it could be reversed.

“Violations that occur as a result of an accident are not supposed to count toward your CSA score,” said Robert Kaferle, Reliance Partners’ vice president of safety.

However, carriers far too often accept the penalty as just a byproduct of the accident investigation process when this simply isn’t the case — or at least it shouldn’t be. 

Inspectors make...

Insurance FAQ: What exactly is DataQs?

Do you DataQ?

The answer should be yes, especially considering it could take you off the hook for a number of violations.

Let’s face it. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time — even those writing the tickets. If you receive a violation that you feel is without merit, don’t let it go unnoticed. 

DataQs allows users to track and petition a review of federal and state data issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that’s believed to be inaccurate or incomplete.

“It gives carriers...

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