UK traders running out of time to prepare for Brexit-related customs changes

Companies moving goods between the U.K. and the EU will be subject to new, more stringent customs regulations when the clock strikes midnight this new year. As with any change of this magnitude, shippers and receivers alike should anticipate challenges, delays and general inefficiencies during the adjustment period, which could last for some time. 

This will be the world’s first real look at how post-Brexit trade will operate. When the U.K. left the EU in early 2020, it also left the EU Customs...

Changing customs landscape between EU, UK could lead to disruption

The global supply chain has been rocked by COVID-related headwinds over the past two years. From production delays to overcrowded ports, moving goods today — especially when crossing borders — is more complicated and frustrating than at just about any other moment in modern history. For companies routinely moving products between the European Union and the United Kingdom, things are going to get even more complex come Jan. 1. 

When the U.K. left the EU in early 2020, it also left the EU Customs...

Strong partnerships keep trucks rolling this peak season

This peak season, companies across the supply chain can expect to see the same challenges they have faced all year — namely strained capacity — intensify. Strong consumer demand, coupled with labor shortages throughout the logistics industry, is a recipe for frustration and imbalance. Many of the conversations surrounding peak season headwinds center around shippers, but carriers also face challenges during this time. 

“The reality is that peak season has been around for a long time, and it is...

A hot acquisition market — Great Quarter, Guys

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This episode is brought to you by DDC FPO, DDC is a business process outsourcing provider that specializes in freight. Discover why today’s top-rated LTL carriers rely on DDC FPO. Learn more at

On this episode of Great Quarter, Guys, Andrew Cox and Anthony Smith are talking all about the white-hot merger and acquisition space, specifically the news of Hub Group buying Choptank to enter the refrigerated over-the-road space. 

They look into what the $130 million cash deal means for the...

Disruption paves way for opportunity and collaboration

From the coronavirus pandemic to Brexit, the past 18 months have been characterized by disruption around the globe. Every segment of the supply chain has been forced to endure lightning-fast changes and restrictive regulations. While some companies have crumbled under the pressure, many others have risen to the occasion. 

It can be difficult to cast challenging circumstances in a positive light, but one thing is certain: Disruption breeds innovation. 

“When there is great change, you have to look...

Early Prime Day data reveals consumer trends — Great Quarter, Guys

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This episode is brought to you by DDC FPO. DDC is a business process outsourcing provider that specializes in freight. Perhaps best known for Freight Billing, DDC also offers Customs Brokerage Processing to help companies clear customs faster. Learn more at

People look forward to Prime Day for deals on things from electronics to cookware to clothing. Last year, Amazon pushed Prime Day to October as a result of low supplies from the pandemic, kick-starting a 75-day preholiday shopping...

IT outsourcing offers respite for overwhelmed industry

The call for technological innovation across logistics is louder than ever. The transportation industry has been racing toward greater digitization and connectivity for the past several years, and the coronavirus pandemic has done nothing but accelerate the pace. Carriers and third-party logistics providers (3PLs) are largely enthusiastic about the future, but many are struggling to keep up with the industry’s breakneck speed. 

In order to meet growing technological demands, companies will need...

White Paper: 2020 Q4 Carrier Outlook Report

This Carrier Outlook Report — presented in partnership with SkyBitz, DDC FPO, and Transflo — is the fourth installment of a quarterly publication. This report provides a look back at 2020 and a forecast for the remainder of the year. Carrier survey results and SONAR data are included.

Featured insights include:

  • Year-to-Date 2020 Review of Truck Capacity (Supply)
  • Year-to-Date 2020 Review of Load Volumes (Demand)
  • Year-to-Date 2020 Review of Trucking Rates
  • Trucking Forecast for the Fourth Quarter...

LTL carriers urged to prepare for peak season, pandemic, political tension

Less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers are holding their breath as the stage has been set for a challenging conclusion to 2020. A perfect storm of macro-level factors is expected to rock the final two months of the year, which may impact business continuity for both domestic and internationally focused carriers.

Donna Kintop, senior vice president of client experience in North America at DDC FPO, urges LTL carriers to plan wisely and prepare for anything. For starters, she recommends solidifying a...

LTL carriers should improve efficiency in times of uncertainty

It’s already been a year chock-full of uncertainty for less-than-truckload carriers as each month has presented its own sets of challenges. Truckload capacity in August continues to tighten, as outlined in SONAR’s U.S. Outbound Reject Index (OTRI.USA), an upward trend that has subsisted since late April. 

In fact, entering August, U.S. capacity tightened beyond what was seen in March when consumers flocked to stores in anticipation of the health crisis. As of Monday, outbound tender rejects...

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