Q&A: Peter Soles on challenges and solutions for U.S. harbor craft

Sponsored Content: Marine Log sits down with Glosten’s Peter Soles on navigating the roadblocks to decarbonization, especially in the U.S. harbor craft industry.

Marine Log (ML): In your recent Op-Ed with Marine Log, you discuss that the push to decarbonize is creating unintended consequences—essentially, creating an environment where operators are more inclined to do nothing than proceed down a risky and uncharted path. What do you see as the main challenges driving this perceived stagnation...


Op-Ed: Is decarbonization driving unintended consequences?

By Peter Soles, Principal, Business Development at Glosten 

In recent years, the messaging around alternative fuels and zero emission vessels in marine industry magazines, online forums, news websites, and social media has been a steady stream, bordering on a wide-open fire hydrant. As a result, many in the U.S. maritime community—me included—are experiencing what I’ll term “decarb fatigue.” And it’s not just because we’re jaded old-timers. 

Pretend for a moment that you’re new to the industry,...
