Practicing Digital Solutions For Sustainable Shipping

The maritime industry, a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, faces increasing pressure to enhance efficiency and drastically reduce its carbon footprint, sources ORCA. 

Digital Solutions For Sustainable Shipping

Digitalization serves as a cornerstone in the pursuit of decarbonization within the maritime industry. It offers innovative tools and insights that enable the transformation of conventional ships into highly efficient, low-emission vessels. A recent report by...

Key Maritime Cities Driving Industry Change Through Green and Digital Advances

  • Leading maritime cities drive decarbonization and digitalization advancements.
  • Singapore remains the top city due to strong green initiatives and digital progress.
  • Port digitalization and financial institutions are crucial for future maritime success.

The Leading Maritime Cities (LMC) report, published in April by DNV and Menon Economics, highlights cities that excel in advancing the maritime industry through strong policy measures, infrastructure, and institutions. This year’s report...

Australia And Singapore Working On Low-Emission Technology Projects

Australia’s national science agency CSIRO and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) have issued a grant call for proposals for the Australia-Singapore Low-Emissions Technologies (ASLET) initiative.

 Courtesy of MPA Singapore

As informed, under the initiative, the partners aim to accelerate towards a net-zero emissions future while delivering bilateral economic benefits. The ASLET is supported by the governments of Singapore and Australia.

The objectives of the ASLET grant opportunity...

DNV: Key Considerations For Onboard Carbon Capture

DNV carbon capture and storage
  • Onboard carbon capture (OCC) can be a technically feasible option for reducing emissions and could be commercially attractive if the right regulatory and market drivers are in place.
  • A new DNV white paper provides a comprehensive overview of all key considerations around OCC.

DNV has published a white paper which aims to offer guidance to shipowners, technology providers, and other stakeholders on central matters related to onboard carbon capture.

The potential of onboard carbon capture in...

Regulatory And Risk Mitigation Frameworks for Alternative Fuels in Maritime

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set a goal for the maritime sector to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, with an interim target of 5% to 10% of shipping energy from alternative fuels by 2030. To meet these targets, the adoption of alternative fuels is essential. However, significant gaps exist in the current regulatory frameworks governing these fuels, posing new risks to vessels, crews, and the environment. A robust regulatory and risk mitigation framework is crucial for...

Car Carrier Customers Might Be Greener Than They Let on

Shipper clients of pure car and truck carriers (PCTCs) are “hiding” their decarbonization success from the public, according to shortsea operator UECC. UECC, which operates shortsea ro-ro services throughout Europe, has developed a biofuel framework similar to Maersk’s use of methanol, based on ‘mass balancing’, reports The Loadstar.

Car carrier

Daniel Gent, UECC’s energy & sustainability manager, highlighted that significant research has gone into sourcing biofuel and ensuring its provenance, a...

Successful Test of 200 kW HT PEM Fuel Cell System

Blue World Technologies has achieved a significant milestone in maritime decarbonization with the successful testing of the world’s first 200 kW high-temperature PEM fuel cell module. The test took place at Blue World’s newly established test facilities adjacent to their fuel cell factory in Aalborg, Denmark. The system’s performance exceeded expectations, marking a major advancement in green maritime technology.

Key Features and Benefits of the 200 kW HT PEM Fuel Cell System
  • High Electrical...

Accelerating Maritime Decarbonisation: GCMD’s Role and Industry Initiatives

The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) was established in August 2021 following recommendations from the International Advisory Panel for Maritime Decarbonisation to the Singapore Government. GCMD is a non-profit organization aimed at supporting the maritime industry’s decarbonization efforts to meet or exceed IMO targets for 2030 and 2050 by developing standards, deploying solutions, financing projects, and fostering cross-sector collaboration. Founded by industry leaders...

Shanghai Commits to Zero Emission Shipping With Global Collaboration

Shanghai has committed to advancing zero-emission shipping and enhancing global cooperation, city officials told a key international seminar on Tuesday, reports Shine.

2024 Zero Emission Transpacific Container Shipping Regional Workshop

The “2024 Zero Emission Transpacific Container Shipping Regional Workshop” was held in Shanghai, co-hosted by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and the Shanghai Transportation Commission.

The workshop aimed to share experiences and outcomes of green shipping...

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