How Is the Boxship Industry Coping Up With Record Freight Rates?

The CEO and founder of Danish container shipping consultancy Sea-Intelligence, Alan Murphy, ponders how close are we to topping out in terms of today’s record freight rates, reports Splash247.

SCFI hitting new highs

The Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI) hit new highs on Friday. For many months now people have been questioning how much higher spot rates can go. It’s a tricky one, as there are so many unknown variables in play.

Uncharted territory 

First, we are now so far into uncharted...

Capesize Market Starts Off 2021 With A Boom, Says BIMCO

BIMCO says the year 2021 has started strongly for the capesize market with 1,427 journeys completed or underway in the first 20 days of the year, a 10.4% increase compared to the same period last year, according to figures from VesselsValue.

This counter-seasonal upswing stands in contrast to the development for all other dry bulk ships which have seen a 2.8% decline in activity in the same period, BIMCO says.

Weather favors capesize demand

BIMCO says it expects that the number of capesize...

New Cargo Policy To Hinder the ‘Demand Drive’ for Ships

  • New cargo support policy for Indian ship-owners may not fetch order in-flows for local yards.
  • Indian built, Indian flagged and Indian owned ships will get top priority when State-owned firms and government departments float tenders to hire ships.
  • Foreign built, Indian flagged and Indian owned ships will get second preference.
  • Indian built, foreign flagged and foreign owned vessels will be third in order of priority.

The Shipping Ministry’s plan to drive demand for ships built in India by...