Lauritzen Bulkers compra el especialista en ruptura canadiense Alexander & Blake

Bulkers de lauritzen El propietario y operador de danés seco, Lauritzen Bulkers, ha adquirido la compañía canadiense Breakbulk and Parcel Shipping Company, Alexander & Blake. El atuendo con sede en Copenhague, que administra una flota de entre 90 y 110 handysize y ultramax buques, se está haciendo...

The Blue MBA Association is off to a flying start with strong BIMCO link

Irene Rosberg, Programme Director, Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics (The Blue MBA), Programme Director, Blue Board Leadership Programme   (BBLP)

A new blue initiative– blue standing in this instance for an ocean of opportunity for canny managers in shipping and associated sectors – has made a successful debut with a high level of industry involvement.

The Blue MBA Association, which was formally registered in December 2024 as an independent entity, is now drawing up plans for further...