New Cargo Policy To Hinder the ‘Demand Drive’ for Ships

  • New cargo support policy for Indian ship-owners may not fetch order in-flows for local yards.
  • Indian built, Indian flagged and Indian owned ships will get top priority when State-owned firms and government departments float tenders to hire ships.
  • Foreign built, Indian flagged and Indian owned ships will get second preference.
  • Indian built, foreign flagged and foreign owned vessels will be third in order of priority.

The Shipping Ministry’s plan to drive demand for ships built in India by...

One-time Amnesty Granted for 3,762 Seafarers With Fake Certificates

  • DG Shipping India issued show-cause notices to 3,762 candidates who were found to have been obtaining fake maritime certificates.
  • IMA has granted a one-time amnesty scheme for those seafarers found to be holding fake qualification certificates.
  • The period for debarment announced earlier for these fake certificate-holders will end on January 31.

According to an published in Safety4sea, the Directorate-General of Shipping issued show-cause notices to 3,762 candidates who were found to have been...