A diesel reality check and a rebranding

The scrappy Diesel Technology Forum quietly rebranded itself as the Engine Technology Forum (ETF) 10 months ago, acknowledging that despite fighting the good fight for the long-established truck fuel, its name wasn’t helping its cause.

A necessary change

A Google search found exactly one story and the forum’s press release from October about the name change. Truck Tech doesn’t regularly cover diesel. We flat-out missed the name change. An ETF spokesperson wondered how that happened since its news...


Will cleaner diesel trucks matter in ZEV world?

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’); });

Allen Schaeffer sits in the middle of the multidirectional push and debate over what will be driving...


Paccar takes deliberate approach to electrification

Look up the word deliberation in a dictionary. It perfectly describes Paccar’s approach to trucking electrification. Sure, the company offers nine commercial electric trucks for those who want them, but there is little froth.

Paccar’s patience with electrification

de-lib-er-ate: adjective/dəˈlib(ə)rət/

done consciously and intentionally. engage in long and careful consideration.

Paccar CEO Preston Feight is nothing if not consistent when it comes to the role electric vehicles will play in his...


Diesel Emissions Reduction Act delivered $8B in health benefits in 10 years

Three semi trucks travel down a major road.

The Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) saved 520 million gallons of diesel fuel and delivered billions of dollars in health benefits from 2008 to 2018, according to a report published by the Environmental Protection Agency.

First authorized in 2005, the DERA program provides funding to accelerate the upgrade and turnover rate of old diesel fleets. The rebates and grants available help pay for replacement vehicles and engines that meet or exceed the emissions standards.

About $801 million in...


Truck Tech: Summer jobs edition

Truck Tech logo on blue background

Layoffs get the headlines but a surprising number of electrification startups are adding employees even as they try to raise more money. Volvo is using two dealerships and a five new charging points to create a corridor in California. And the Diesel Technology Forum graphically shows once again that fossil fuels are still king in commercial transportation.

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Electrification startups are hiring



Truck Tech: Good versus the perfect edition

Is a measured approach to zero-emission trucking versus going all-in on electrification reversing the amorphism about the perfect being the enemy of the good? Also this week, add one autonomous trucking advisory board, and Cummins makes further natural gas engine inroads in a supply deal with Peterbilt.

Fooling with Voltaire

Voltaire’s memorable expression — the perfect is the enemy of the good — gets reversed when it comes to the rush to electric trucks versus a more deliberate transition from...


Cummins expands natural gas offerings with 15-liter engine

Cummins Inc. is bringing the 15-liter natural gas engine it sells in China to North America, expanding its offerings of lower-emissions alternatives to diesel.

Fleets that want a larger-displacement natural gas engine than Cummins’ current 12-liter offering could opt for the bigger powerplant, which could potentially offer negative net-zero carbon emissions if fueled with renewable natural gas (RNG).

Cummins (NYSE: CMI) introduced the 15-liter natural gas engine in China last year. Inquiries of...


Are ‘near-zero-emissions’ diesel trucks delaying electric vehicle adoption?

The newest generation diesel technology provides emissions and air quality benefits.

While striving to reduce emissions, the freight industry often faces this question: Is it better to upgrade current technology or invest in research and development of new technology?

Consider the heavy-duty truck market.

The newest generation of diesel trucks provides measurable efficiency improvements and reductions in emissions, but experts who view electric vehicles (EVs) and other zero-emission vehicles as trucks of the future worry that improved diesel technology could delay the adoption of...


Diesel sees life after Biden

When President-elect Joe Biden takes office in January, he is expected to pursue a climate- focused clean energy agenda: Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, reinstate Obama’s clean power plan and approve policies supporting zero-emission cars and trucks.

Nevertheless, rumours of diesel’s death under the incoming administration are greatly exaggerated, industry advocates and trucking efficiency experts said.

“President-elect Biden has been through many iterations of landmark clean air and energy...
