Industry struggles to navigate volatile market

An active and constantly changing market is proving tough for the industry to navigate as rates slide further and utilisation is falling, though month-on-month volume figures show slight increases.

With the Pacific contract negotiations in full swing, the carriers are desperately attempting to bolster failing spot rates on the most lucrative trade with capacity cuts.

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Geopolitics, tariffs and war result in rates bloodbath

A rates bloodbath is shaping up as fundamentals in supply and demand finally overwhelm the black swan events that have seen shipping lines bank hundreds of billions in profits since 2020.

According to Xeneta chief analyst Peter Sand, freight rates have declined by 50-70% since last July and the rate of decline has significantly accelerated in February.

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Clecat: Rates driven by capacity not service

Maritime rates are not determined by how good a service is but by the crude measure of available supply and customer demand, according to freight forwarders’ association, Clecat.

Significant changes to carrier alliances and the services that the major lines are offering will come about in February with the carriers preparing for months for a reshuffle of alliances, or in MSC’s case to operate without an alliance partner.

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Turkish lines target booming Indian market

Turkish operators Arkas and Turkon Line have identified the booming Indian market as a key source of trade between the two countries and extended its Jeddah service to Nhava Sheva and Mundra.

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Dimerco: Tighter capacity and higher rates fuelled by tariffs

The first indications that a surge in freight may occur came from Drewry’s today when the consultant’s WCI composite index showed global, week-on-week, rates rising 6%.

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Pressure on global supply chains eases

Port congestion and tight vessel capacity are easing across the globe as measures taken by terminal and ship operators alike are clearing bottlenecks and dampening spot rate pressures.

Consultancy Dynamar said that supply chains have now fully adjusted to the new realities, particularly with the Cape diversions, and with other snags in the supply chains, such as the Panama Canal, also easing, “vessels and cargoes should now be flowing more freely”.

Dynamar analyst Darron Wadey told Container News:...

Protectionism will raise transport costs, says Dimerco

Taiwan-headquartered freight forwarder Dimerco, which knows a thing or two about building companies and reputations, with over 50 years of experience in the forwarding business, believes this market is the most challenging it’s ever been.

Alvin Fuh, VP of Dimerco’s ocean freight told Container News that beneficial cargo owners (BCOs) these days have to deal with a much more challenging and complex environment in their global supply chain networks, with black swan events, geopolitical disruptions...

India offers wealth of opportunities for manufacturers seeking to expand

Recent economic conditions and geopolitical strain have encouraged manufacturers to lessen their reliance on their Chinese factories. Many companies are exploring a “China-Plus-One” approach, which involves maintaining a presence in China while also expanding into other locations. India is becoming a popular destination in those expansion efforts.

“More and more manufacturers are expanding production to India for its cost-effective and educated workforce, its attractive government incentive...

White Paper: The Logistics of China Plus One

Is your company expanding production in Asia?

Check out our primer on the freight, regulatory, and cultural issues that must be considered when diversifying production beyond China to other Asian countries.

Many large manufacturers and retailers are reducing supply chain risk by moving certain sole-sourced China procurement and production operations to other countries — mainly in Southeast Asia. But some are getting tripped up by the logistical details of the move.

This eBook will help you...

China Plus One strategy offers best of both worlds for manufacturers, retailers

The days of spotting the ubiquitous “Made in China” stamp on virtually every product in the typical American home may be numbered. Large manufacturers and retailers are moving at least some of their efforts away from the country in droves. 

There are a myriad of factors pushing companies to diversify their geographic footprints away from China. The most impactful reasons include the ongoing U.S.-China trade war, increasing labor costs and fear surrounding a potential future manufacturing...