India offers wealth of opportunities for manufacturers seeking to expand

Recent economic conditions and geopolitical strain have encouraged manufacturers to lessen their reliance on their Chinese factories. Many companies are exploring a “China-Plus-One” approach, which involves maintaining a presence in China while also expanding into other locations. India is becoming a popular destination in those expansion efforts.

“More and more manufacturers are expanding production to India for its cost-effective and educated workforce, its attractive government incentive...

US trucking company fills air cargo void for Asia exports to Mexico

An pallet of cargo on a lift being loaded in the side of a plane.

Fewer direct, all-cargo flights from China to Mexico and more ocean shipping delays during the pandemic have boosted interest in logistics service that packages an air leg to the U.S. with cross-border trucking at a substantial price saving.

Mexpress Transportation’s expedited road feeder service to and from Mexico has more than doubled in volume and revenue during the past two years, executives say. The air-road option is available to domestic and international forwarders, airlines and customs...

Borderlands: Quincus eyes growing Latin American e-commerce markets

Borderlands is a weekly rundown of developments in the world of United States-Mexico cross-border trucking and trade. This week: Quincus eyes growing Latin American e-commerce markets; Watlow opens a manufacturing plant in Querétaro; Dimerco launches an Asia to Mexico freight service; and $4 million worth of methamphetamine is seized at the Laredo port of entry. 

Quincus eyes growing Latin America e-commerce markets

Aiming to tap into Latin America’s emerging tech infrastructure and e-commerce...