Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer the Shipping Podcast

The disappearing act is over!

I am back! Happy New Year, and best wishes for a prosperous 2025!
What are the pros and cons of continuing the Shipping Podcast?

How can I be the voice for change and progress in the maritime industry if I don’t change myself? Am I able to live up to my demands on the maritime industry?

Please send me feedback on this episode; it will make my day! [email protected]
Thank you for listening!

The post Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer the Shipping Podcast first...


245 Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer, Cusack & Co Pty Ltd

The Australian General Average Nerd

Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer at Cusack & Co Pty Ltd in Melbourne, is an expert on General Average. If you have never understood the principles of the General Average, this episode is for you! In addition, there is no aspect of the maritime industry we don’t touch upon in our conversation. #everyconversationmatters 

What do you think about the concept of “Sea Embassy” as a way to solve the entire autonomous ship issue? Do you think that’s a way forward? 



244 Lina Buurstra, Rescue Leader, Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre, Swedish Maritime Authority

Mayday! Who is answering your emergency call?

In episode 244, we meet Lina Buurstra, a Rescue Leader at the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre. She answers your call when you are in distress, and she knows how to make things right again.  Lina has a background as a Master Mariner before becoming a rescue leader.
We hear about what incidents stuck with Lina, and she also tells the behind-the-scenes story of what happened when the MARCO POLO went aground in Swedish waters last year.

Lina and her...


242 Kriss Petersson, Head of Talent & Culture, AELER Technologies SA

A new way of looking at the workforce in shipping

A new way of looking at the people working in our organisations is to take a more human approach to work. Kriss Petersson is the Head of Talent and Culture at Aeler Technologies, not the Head of HR.

Listen to Kriss explain how a more people—and culture-oriented mindset can change an entire industry.
She strives for diversity of thought and openness when scouting for new employees, but we must become more visible to attract young talent. We also...
