Remember To Renew Your CLC, Bunker, Athens And WRC Certificates: DMA

sunset with ships

Time has come to apply for renewal of CLC, Bunker, Athens and Wreck Removal Convention Certificates from the Danish Maritime Authority. Shipowners must renew the certificates once a year upon expiry of the underlying insurance.

Foreign ships with a GT of 1,000 or more also need a Bunker Certificate if they intend to call at a Danish port, a Danish place of loading or unloading or the Danish continental shelf area, or if they are operating permanently in Danish territorial waters.


What Will Be The Level Of Ambition For Reduction Of GHG-Emission From Ships In Future?

ship representation

At COP 26, Denmark presented a declaration on Zero-Emission Shipping by 2050 highlighting the focus on climate neutral shipping, which 17 countries have joined so far. Decarbonisation of international shipping is also on the agenda for next week’s international meeting at the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee and a high level of ambition is the Danish priority in the initial debate on the revision of the strategy for reduction of GHG emissions from ships.

In 2018, the first strategy...

Danish Maritime Authority Paving The Way For New Technological Solutions

Future Lab DMA

New technology and solutions are evolving faster than regulation can keep up with, which is often a barrier for first movers. To break down the barriers, the Danish Maritime Authority is now establishing the DMA Regulatory Future Lab.

The DMA Regulatory Future Lab introduces a new framework and new methods for approving innovative solutions to the challenges facing shipping. If an inquiry for approval of new technologies, designs, operations, etc. challenges the current regulation, it can now be...

Danish Maritime Authority Introduces Digital Certificates For Seafarers & Companies

digital certificates on phone

The Danish Maritime Authority is launching digital certificates for seafarers as well as a number of other digital self-service solutions for shipping companies, staffing companies and educational institutions.

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Get a quick overview of the new self-service solutions:

    • Seafarers: Manage your own career and access digital certificates, applications, qualifications as well as seagoing service.
    • Seafarers app: A new app for easier access to self-service and your digital...

IMO Embarks On The Next Phase Of Negotiations On Climate Rules Of Shipping

shipping representation

Following the lengthy negotiations on the organization of the climate rules, which will help reduce shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, discussions are now underway on how to reduce ships’ greenhouse gas emissions in the medium term.

This will happen when the 10th meeting of the IMO Working Group on Greenhouse Gas Reduction (ISWG-GHG 10) kicks off next week from 18-22. October.

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From the Danish side, emphasis is placed on the negotiations getting off to...

Danish Shipping Remains At The Top Of The Whitelists

Danish seafarers onboard a ship

Denmark is at the very top of the latest white list from the Paris MoU, which shows how the flag states’ ships are doing during inspections in European ports.

The Port State Control Regime Paris MoU has just published their latest whitelist, which Danish ships are again on. This year, Denmark is ranked No. 1. On Tokyo MoU’s white list, Danish ships are also well placed as number 15. Denmark is also placed on the US Coast Guards Qualship 21 list, which covers port state controls in the United...

Monitoring The Enforcement Of IMO’s 2020 Sulphur Regulations

The International Maritime Organization’s 2020 Global Sulphur Limit Regulation, which is a significant challenge for the shipping industry, came into effect as of 1 January 2020. It limits the sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships operating outside designated emission control areas to O.5O% m/m (mass by mass), from 3.5O% m/m. Monitoring and enforcement of the new limit is the responsibility of Governments and national authorities of member States that are Parties to MARPOL Annex VI, reports...

New International Climate Regulation For Ships

ICS CMI Maritime Ratification treaty (1)

At the 75th meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has approved new rules for how international shipping should reduce its CO2 emissions towards 2030.

The new regulation includes a set of important international tools and building blocks to reduce CO2 emissions from ships. Denmark would have preferred to see more ambitious requirements for ships with inferior performance and more clear requirements for effective enforcement. However,...

Maritime Cybersecurity More Important Now Than Ever Before

Cyber Security

The webinar was a continuation of the maritime cybersecurity event in the margins of the One Conference in The Hague in October 2019.

Andreas Nordseth, Director General of the Danish Maritime Authority: “The technological developments hold great potential for improving the maritime sector even more, and ensuring the necessary digital and green transformation.”

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Risk of cyber attacks on ships and ports

However, when new technologies and digital solutions are introduced, the risk...

Danish Government Unveils New Plan For Growth In Maritime Sector

Vækstplan 2018

The Government’s Plan for Growth in the Danish Maritime Sector positions the country to become a global maritime hub by 2025.

The plan counts initiatives aimed at making Denmark a global frontrunner within tests of maritime autonomous technologies and maritime digitalization, creating more work-experience places at sea and increasing the number of applicants admitted to the training programs for masters and ship officers, as well as ensuring the development of an overall maritime marketing...