Danish maritime Authority paves the way with digital certificates for seafarers

The Danish Maritime Authority attended the stage at the International Maritime Organization in London to present their project on digital certificates for seafarers. The Authority’s representatives noted that while the digitalization of certificates for seafarers is in great progress, they are now initiating a proof of concept-project to demonstrate how it will function in practice.

As shown below, the vision of digital certificates for seafarers holds great potential and many aspects.

In other...


Sulphur-Sniffing Drone To Check Emissions From Ships In Danish Waters

Sulphur-sniffing drone to patrol Danish waters

In the coming months, a large drone will check emissions from ships in Danish waters to make sure they comply with the sulphur limit. The drone is provided by the European Maritime Safety Agency, and is to be used as a means of preventing ship pollution.

Image Credit: dma.dk

The drone is fitted with a so-called “sniffer” capable of measuring sulphur emissions. Entering the ship’s exhaust gas plume, the drone can register the amount of sulphur in the fuel. These data are immediately available to...


Denmark, Ghana extend maritime cooperation

Denmark and Ghana have cooperated on e-navigation solutions, implementation of international regulations and training of tugboat captains since 2015. This week, the two countries extended the strategic sector cooperation until 2021.

The overall purpose of the strategic sector cooperation between Denmark and Ghana is to boost capacity building in the maritime sector that benefits both countries.

The second phase of this cooperation aims to:

  • Further enhance e-navigation solutions;
  • Support...


The Digital Twin Concept explained

digital twin

As digitalization is becoming an integral part of the shipping industry, more and more operators can benefit from its use. An interesting new technology that aspires to move maritime forward, is the digital twin concept. Digital twins provide a virtual model of a physical ship, producing valuable insights from data. So, what exactly is a digital twin ship?

Brief history of the digital twin concept

Michael Grieves, from the University of Michigan, was the first to write about this technology,...


DMA: Replacements of nationality certificate for recreational sailors

The Danish Maritime Authority informed that it no longer issues nationality certificates to recreational sailors with vessels below 20 bt. Instead, it has prepared a letter that recreational sailors can bring abroad as a replacement for the nationality certificate.

The Danish Maritime Authority proceeded to this decision because these types of ships are not registered in the Ship Register.  Leisure sailors’ organizations may also issue “nationality certificates” to their members.



Danish Maritime Authority Supports Development Of Safe Electric Ferries


Electric ferries are in a rapid development, and the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) is actively engaged in ensuring that safety is part of the innovative efforts taking place in the Blue Denmark.

Image Credits: dma.dk

The DMA is working in a joint project with the industry, other authorities and classification societies to promote understanding of the use of lithium-ion batteries in the maritime industry. With a particular focus on safety.

Denis Cederholm-Larsen, Senior Ship Inspector at the...


Russia agrees to IMO’s passenger compensation treaty

The Russian Federation has agreed to IMO treaty dealing with compulsory insurance that protects and covers passengers on vessels. Yury Melenas, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to IMO, met IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim to deposit the instrument of accession, on January 16.

Specifically, the 2002 Athens Convention is based on Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea. Moreover, the Convention sets limitations on the liability of the incidents on a vessel that involves...


Danish flag experiences fast growth

The Danish Maritime Authority informed that Denmark has the fastest growing flag in global shipping? Namely, during 2018 Denmark experienced an increase of 19,9 % in terms of gross tons, which is the largest annual increase ever.

Specific companies helped Denmark achieve this growth, such as Maersk, Navigare Capital and Nordic Tankers. Namely, 67 new ships are now carrying the Danish flag, increasing the flag’s gross tonnage up by 25%.



However, Hong Kong and...


International Maritime Prize 2017 presented to DMA’s Birgit Sølling Olsen

At the annual IMO Awards ceremony, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim presented the International Maritime Prize for 2017 to Mrs. Birgit Sølling Olsen, former Deputy Director-General of the Danish Maritime Authority, on Thursday, 6 December.

During the 100th session of IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Mrs. Birgit Sølling Olsen, former Deputy Director-General of the Danish Maritime Authority was presented with the prestigious International Maritime Prize for 2017.

Mrs. Olsen has had a...
