Pilot raises $1M for children and families in Ukraine

Pilot Company raised $1 million for Ukraine crisis relief efforts.

Fuel supplier and travel center operator Pilot Company raised more than $1 million for Save the Children’s Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

A portion of the funds were raised by customers who rounded up their purchases at more than 650 participating U.S. travel centers and restaurants. Pilot Company gifted $100,000 to the effort, and some of the company’s team members made contributions as well.

“The devastation in Ukraine is heartbreaking,” Shameek Konar, CEO of Pilot Company, said in a release on...


Wabash National adopts sustainability reporting trend

Wabash National released a sustainability report.

Semi-trailer manufacturer Wabash National (NYSE: WNC) hopped on the bandwagon and shared its first sustainability report Tuesday. A growing number of companies throughout supply chains are disclosing efforts and goals to operate more sustainably.

Wabash National’s sustainability report is based on 2019 operations and statistics. It focuses on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, with safety of employees, customers and communities as the No. 1 priority. The company celebrated a zero...


Redwood Logistics celebrates GivingTuesday

Redwood Logistics celebrated GivingTuesday.

This year, Redwood Logistics and its employees announced they donated over $100,000 to front-line workers through the company’s #HeroChallenge and $5,000 to the Dress for Success organization, supporting women’s empowerment.

“Giving back to the community has always been central to Redwood Logistics,” the company told FreightWaves. On Tuesday, Redwood Logistics released a statement about its fundraising efforts to honor GivingTuesday.

Redwood announced $5,000 was raised during the company’s Women...


Spare change: Pilot Co. helps vets while easing coin shortage

Trucks under PIlot canopy

The Pilot Co. is inviting customers to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar at its travel plaza stores, with proceeds helping veterans through the nonprofit Call of Duty Endowment while easing a coin shortage brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.

Pilot and Flying J travel centers, and One9 Fuel Network stores are participating in the two-week campaign through July 13. In all, 700 company-operated stores in the U.S. are taking part, including EZ Trip, Mr. Fuel, Stamart and Pride....


Matson community support totaled $3.6M

Matson contributed a total of $3.6 million in cash and in-kind donations to more than 850 charitable organizations and non-profit programs in the communities it serves during 2018.

Cash contributions, including funds directed by employees through the company’s matching gift programs, added up to $2.3 million in 2018, while the value of donated services and equipment totaled $1.3 million.

“Matson considers itself a lifeline to the communities it serves, and with that comes a special...


Dutch Port Authority supports regional organisations

Under the name ‘Hoge Hoed’ and for the twelfth time, the Port of Rotterdam Authority is making a €1,000 donation to fifteen different regional organisations. These organisations are: Basketbalvereniging Rotterdam-Zuid; Stichting Tafeltennisbelangen Xerxes; MHV Forcial; Honkbal- en softbalvereniging Zwijndrecht; Stichting BforYou; Triathlon Dordrecht; Stichting Het Speelhuis; Stichting Dance Club de Hit; Stichting Rotterdam Jazz artists Memorial; Stichting BforKids; KCC/SO Natural Capelle aan de...


Donations Needed – Container Challenge 2018

Bring new or gently used clothing, shoes and supplies by December 15 to help Port of Hueneme and Chiquita fill a shipping container for adults and children in need in Guatemala. This is a collaboration between the Port, El Lustrador Foundation, Chiquita, and the #ILWU Local 46.

You can bring donations by the Port of Hueneme Admin Building Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm – 333 Ponoma Street, Port Hueneme.

Questions? (805) 488-3677 or [email protected]. Find out more about El Lustrador at www.ellustradorfound...
