DroneDek integrates smart mailbox with A2Z Drone Delivery system

DroneDek drone delivery mailbox

Drone delivery is about much more than just the drone. Just ask DroneDek and A2Z Drone Delivery. 

The two companies, each of which focuses on a different piece of drone infrastructure, on Monday announced a technical integration partnership to combine DroneDek’s smart mailbox with A2Z’s second-generation Rapid Delivery System (RDS2) for drone delivery.

DroneDek’s “mailbox of the future” is a high-tech delivery receptacle featuring a drone charging station, a heated and cooled storage compartment,...


The world’s first smart mailbox is ready for drone deliveries

DroneDek smart mailbox

The iPhone has quickly become one of the most ubiquitous products in history, right up there with the lightbulb and gas-powered car.

It’s a short list. But Dan O’Toole thinks his smart mailbox could make the cut.

“You take a picture of your family right now and everybody’s on their iPhone — nobody’s looking at the camera, right? This has the ability to insinuate itself into the fabric of our lives every day in the same way that the iPhone has,” O’Toole, the CEO of DroneDek, told Modern Shipper in...


Russia-Ukraine conflict could lead to global e-commerce disruptions

Escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine could cause e-commerce disruptions on a global scale

Western sanctions are creating a mass exodus in Russia. With the eyes of the world on Eastern Europe amid Russian aggression in Ukraine, e-commerce companies are beginning to feel the sting of economic barriers implemented by the U.S. and other nations, and they’re pulling out of the region.

Last week, a slew of CPG companies ceased shipments to Russia, including brands like Nestle (OCTUS: NSRGY), Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) and Philip Morris (NYSE: PM), and e-commerce shippers and logistics companies...


Drone delivery execs weigh in on industry’s future

Drone delivery executives weigh in on the future of the industry

Drone delivery has done some pretty incredible things in 2021. Drones have delivered to bustling cities, some of the most remote locations on Earth and even your backyard; they’ve airdropped everything from chicken wings to blood transfusions; and they’ve grabbed the attention (and lightened the coffers) of massive companies like Alphabet and FedEx.

But drone delivery has yet to really take off. Despite drone delivery companies demonstrating technology that can enable automated takeoffs and...


DroneDek latest to call for looser federal drone regulations

DroneDek the latest to pen letter to FAA, urging changes to drone regulations

When Dan O’Toole came up with the idea for DroneDek, he was just one man following Amazon’s vision of nationwide delivery by drone.

“I was daydreaming and I just started thinking about drone delivery,” O’Toole told Modern Shipper in an interview in October. “And then I thought, OK, the drone’s the easy part, the glamorous part, right? But where’s all this stuff gonna end up?”

Fast-forward a couple of years, and O’Toole was rivaling Amazon for that very same vision — and winning. Amazon’s drone...


Smart mailboxes could soon be popping up all over the world

DroneDek secures $50 million purchase agreement with Indian conglomerate BEL

Does anybody even use mailboxes anymore? It seems like utility bills, political flyers and cards from Grandma are just about the only things being delivered via snail mail. But that’s about to change — the mailbox is getting a makeover.

DroneDek is the company leading that charge. The maker of the so-called “mailbox of the future” has been hard at work developing its patented smart receptacles, mailboxes that are designed to handle deliveries via nearly any mode –– including drone –– as well as...


Drone Disruptors: DroneDek’s mailbox of the future

Drone Disruptors: DroneDek and the mailbox of the future

Welcome to this final installment of Drone Disruptors. So far, Modern Shipper has sat down with four CEOs from four of the most dynamic startups in the drone delivery space. Each brings something unique to the industry: Flytrex wants to bring drones to your backyard; Volansi envisions being a fly on the wall; Matternet seeks to fly in cities; and Elroy Air prefers to fly between them.

Read: Drone Disruptors: Elroy Air and the cargo droneRead: Drone Disruptors: Matternet is taking cities into the...


The 5 most fascinating drone deliveries of 2021 (so far)

top 5 most interesting weird crazy drone deliveries of 2021

It has been a great year for drones. In the final week of 2020, the Federal Aviation Association finalized regulations that got the ball rolling for widespread commercial drone use, approving flights beyond the operator’s line of sight just a month later. 

With drones now very much in the mainstream, they’ve awakened sleeping corporate giants like Amazon and Walmart, which have partnered with drone manufacturers around the world. Investors are in on the drone craze too, providing funding to a...
