Keel laid for Shanghai North Sea’s 2nd shuttle tanker for charter with Petrobras

Chinese shipbuilding company Dalian Shipbuilding Co. has held a keel-laying ceremony for the second dynamic positioning (DP) shuttle tanker being built for Shanghai North Sea Shipping.

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DSIC Won The Largest Single Oil Tanker Order

Credits: Ojas Narappanawar/ Pexels

CSSC Dalian Shipbuilding Industry and China Shipbuilding Trading signed a new shipbuilding contract for 10 115,000 dwt product tankers with Greek shipowner Dynacom, says an article published on Xindemarine.

Largest batch of tanker

The order for 10 115,000 dwt tankers has set a new record for the shipyard with the largest batch of tanker orders signed at one time this year, and is also the largest single oil tanker order in the history of DSIC.

DSIC has rich...

China’s First Ammonia-Powered Newcastlemax Bulk Carrier, To Be Built By DSIC

China’s first ammonia-powered Newcastlemax bulk carrier, to be built by DSIC

LR, a leading global provider of classification, compliance and advisory services to the marine and offshore industries, has awarded Approval in Principle (AiP) to Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company (DSIC), the largest shipbuilding company in China, for the first Chinese Newcastlemax bulk carrier concept to be powered by ammonia, a promising zero-carbon-emitting fuel.

As the classification society selected for the project, LR’s role was to review the suitability and risks of the design,...