Magma Aviation establishes Middle East freighter base, names CEO

Magma Aviation, an air cargo charter provider that relies on airline contractors to operate its five Boeing 747-400  jumbo jets, is adding two narrowbody freighter aircraft to the fleet to serve customers in the Middle East and Africa. 

On Tuesday, the cargo management company, headquartered in Gatwick, England, announced the appointment of Peter Kerins as CEO. He replaced Conor Brannigan, who stepped down July 31 to join New York-based cargo airline Atlas Air as vice president of strategy. 


World’s first 3D-printed electric abra in Dubai

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has commenced the trial operation of the world’s first electric abra produced using 3D printing technology.

The abra, a boat-raft hybrid used on Dubai Creek, accommodates 20 passengers, retains its traditional design, and continue to be operated as water taxis in Dubai Creek.

The 11-meter-long, 3.1-meter-wide abra is powered by an electric propulsion system featuring two 10-kilowatt motors and lithium batteries.

RTA stated that the electric abra project...

Companies that own and operate oil tanker plead guilty to environmental crimes in US

The oil tanker PS Dream

The US Department of Justice reports that two related companies that operated the motor tanker PS Dream – Prive Overseas Marine and Prive Shipping Denizcilik Ticaret – have pleaded guilty to conspiracy, knowingly violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS), and obstruction of justice...

COLUMN | Court reports – Isabel dos Santos versus Angola; Santos of Australia versus Tiwi Island activists [Offshore Accounts]

We’ve said it before and we will say it again; if you want to meet the movers and the shakers of the offshore industry, you don’t need to pay big bucks to attend an expensive conference. Instead, you simply have to go to the public gallery in court, and watch them battle over millions of […]


COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2023: Days 4 to 6: Seadrill, Gulf Drilling International and ADES; five shipping magnates on future fuels; six corrupted states and Al Jazeera [Offshore Accounts]

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me… a partridge in a pear tree, according to the ancient English carol, but at Baird Maritime, that’s the cue for a dozen topical features about the offshore industry. Lovers of festive traditions get scrolling, as for the fourth year in a row, we […]

The post COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2023: Days 4 to 6: Seadrill, Gulf Drilling International and ADES; five shipping magnates on future fuels; six corrupted states and Al Jazeera...