USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 28, 2021

USNI News Illustration

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of June 28, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet


USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 21, 2021

USNI News Illustration

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of June 14, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet


USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 14, 2021

USNI News Illustration

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of June 14, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet


USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 7, 2021

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of June 7, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet

Fleet Forces3rd...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 3, 2021

USNI News Image

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of June 3, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet

Fleet Forces3rd...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: May 24, 2021

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of May 24, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet

Fleet Forces3rd...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: May 17, 2021

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of May 17, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet

Fleet Forces3rd...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: May 10, 2021

USNI News Graphic

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet

Fleet Forces3rd Fleet4th Fleet5th Fleet6th Fleet7th FleetTotal

In Japan

Retail Services Specialist 3rd Class Fangfang Wen, originally from China, left, and Retail Services Specialist 3rd Class Chloe Nichole Luz Rodriguez, originally from the Philippines, right, recite the Oath of Allegiance...

CNO Gilday: Pentagon Weighing Reducing Middle East Aircraft Carrier Presence After Afghan Withdrawal

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Mike Gilday use the 1MC to address the crew aboard the Freedom-class littoral combat ship USS Billings (LCS 15). Gilday visited Naval Station Mayport to engage with Sailors, speak to local Navy leadership and tour a number of commands in the area. US Navy Photo

The Pentagon is rethinking what naval presence in the Middle East will look like after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan later this year – in particular, carrier strike groups, Chief of Naval...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: May 3, 2021

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of May 3, 2021, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Total U.S. Navy Battle Force:296Ships Underway

Deployed Ships UnderwayNon-deployed Ships UnderwayTotal Ships Underway

Ships Deployed by Fleet

Fleet Forces3rd Fleet4th Fleet5...