Unity Ukraine war risk insurance now covers all non-military cargo

Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC) has announced a major expansion of its Unity Ukraine war risk insurance facility. Launched in November 2023 to support Ukrainian exports of grain and other critical food supplies Unity now provides affordable war risk insurance for ships carrying all non-military cargo – such as iron ore, steel, and containerized shipping – and underpins Ukraine’s wider maritime export ecosystem.

Unity offers hull and separate protection & indemnity (P&I) war risk insurance at...


Weidmann waves the hawkish white flag, Digital euro will bring innovation opportunities, and more

Weidmann waves the hawkish white flag, Digital euro will bring innovation opportunities, and more

Jens Weidmann

THE WEEKEND REVIEW Latest opinion and analysis from OMFIF around the world

18-22 October 2021, Vol.12 Ed.42

Most-Read Commentary

Weidmann waves the hawkish white flag: Germany’s difficult coalition-building process has gained fresh complexity following the announcement of Jens Weidmann’s resignation. The departure of the Bundesbank president, coinciding with the departure from office of...


China on the way back to rebalancing, Europe’s sustainable recovery

China on the way back to rebalancing, Europe’s sustainable recovery

Wednesday 30 September 2020   –     Vol.11 Ed.40.3

Commentary: China on the way back to rebalancing

By Otaviano Canuto in Washington

China’s successful containment of the pandemic has allowed it to be first in, first out. It’s the only major economy expected to grow this year. Yet one feature it shares with other countries is the unbalanced shape of its recovery. Pressures toward ‘relative deglobalisation’ might make China review...


Living with deflation, Developing sustainable capital markets

Living with deflation, Developing sustainable capital markets

Tuesday 8 October 2019 – Vol.10 Ed.41.1

Commentary: Living with deflation

By Neil Williams in London

The likelihood of Japan-style deflation emerging in other parts of the world is increasing, though this is more a process – a ‘crack in the ice’ – than a ‘cliff-edge’ event. And while it may not involve a general downturn in living standards – Japan remains a prosperous G3, $5tn economy (almost twice the size of the UK’s) – the main...


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