Regional sulphur emission limits at a glance

The following article, provided by the Gard P&I Club, cites the key sulphur emission limits in several designated MARPOL emission control areas (ECAs) of the world.

Recent attention has been focused on the reduction of the global sulphur cap from 3.50% to 0.50% – but don’t forget there are lower sulphur level requirements in designated MARPOL emission control areas and areas defined by regional governmental entities. Here is a round-up of such areas.

From time to time Members and clients contact...

South Korea establishes air pollutant emission reduction incentives

Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) reminds operators information regarding new air pollutant emission reduction incentives, that were recently announced by the Ministry of Oceans And Fisheries of the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

Voluntary Ship Speed Reduction Incentive

According to South Korea a speed reduction incentive is being offered on a voluntary compliance basis to certain types of ships calling at the following ports:

  • Busan;
  • Ulsan;
  • Yeosu;
  • Gwangyang;
  • Incheon.

The incentive aspires to...

South Korea introduces speed limits and ECAs for ships

In line with the stricter environmental regulations applied in 2020, South Korea has introduced domestically new environmental laws applying voluntary speed limits for ships and emission control areas, according to data provided by North P&I Club.

Speed reduction

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries introduced the “Special Act on Air Quality Improvement in Port and Other Areas ” on 2 April 2019, enforcing the Act from 1st Jan 2020.

The first stage is a voluntary vessel speed reduction...

Sulphur Cap Preparations and Implementation Hastens As 2020 Nears, Says IMO

According to a Dry Cargo International report, “IMO 2020” requirements for ships to cut sulphur oxide emissions enter into effect in just over one month’s time and this will significantly reduce air pollution from ships with positive benefits for human health and the environment.

Preparation for the Sulphur Limit

The new requirement means that the global limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships will be reduced to 0.50% m/m (mass by mass). Within designated emission control areas (ECAs),...

Shipping calls for fast finalization of MedECA

The European Network calls the decision makers to fasten their process on officializing a Mediterranean ECA, commenting that the plan for the designation of a MedECA that was discussed during the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan meeting “is by far not ambitious enough in timing and scope.”

During a Piraeus Conference, November 20, the participants agreed that Mediterranean states need to agree on a fast road map, and the finalization should be made no longer than 2020.

Additionally, the...

Scrubber notifications in ECAs established within the US

The Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance issued CG-CVC Policy Letter 12-04 in 2012 asking for correspondence from flag administrations regarding equivalencies for exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) under MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 4.

As CG-CVC no longer requests this notification, flag administrations should continue to make appropriate notifications to the IMO regarding equivalencies issued under MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 4, in order to avoid control and enforcement action by the Coast...

China imposes penalties for breaching ECA low-sulphur fuel requirement

The UK Club informed that it has received an update from Oasis P&I Services Company Ltd., regarding breach of low-sulphur fuel requirements in ECA in China. Recently, local MSA offices strengthened supervision and inspection, imposing penalties on ships which were found to violating these requirements.

In China the sulphur content of the fuel oil used by ships must not surpass 0.5%m/m when they enter into the Emission Control Areas in China since 01 January 2019.



Mediterranean ECA will need a consensus between Mediterranean countries

As the Standard Club informs, the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) was adopted in order to reduce pollution and protect the marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea.

Peter Smith, Claims Executive, Standard Club and Rebecca Hamra, President / Regional Claims Director, Standard Club, report that the convention now has 22 contracting parties, all of whom have pledged to take measures to analyze and cut...

US fines Greek shipping companies for air pollution violations

US Attorney Gretchen Shappert for the District of the Virgin Islands announced that two Greek Shipping companies have been convicted and sentenced for various pollution, record-keeping, and obstruction of justice crimes.

The defendants’ conduct included using fuel that surpassed the maximum allowable sulfur concentration in the US Caribbean Emission Control Area (US Caribbean ECA) and efforts to deceive US Coast Guard inspectors about the source of the fuel being used on a tanker.


REMPEC to further consider a potential Mediterranean ECA

To address negative effects on human health and ecosystems of maritime activities, more than 80 participants from 19 Mediterranean coastal States and European Union, as well as the IMO and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), other governmental and non-governmental organizations, the industry and associations, met in Malta last week to discuss several technical issues and strategic issues.

With its strategic location, the Mediterranean Sea accommodates important transit lane and...