NYK creates digital guidance for ECDIS operation

NYK Shipmanagement, an NYK Group company, created the ‘iPlus ECDIS’. This is a digital guidance for the operation of ECDIS. The program aims to assist operators use better the ECDIS over a shorter time by providing guidance regarding 66 ECDIS operations.

The platform’s structure is based on the ECDIS checklist provided by the Nautical Institute (NI). It includes 66 operations, which comprise 3,200 images and screenshots. What is more, signage and pop-up messages guide users to next steps. After...


Don’t be misled by the apparent accuracy of electronic navigation aids

Although modern satellite systems have reached a landmark for maritime navigation and navigators vastly rely on ECDIS data, safe navigation requires also from mariners to take into consideration the accuracy and reliability of the source hydrographic data, Capt. Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention at Standard P&I Club, highlighted.


Maritime navigation has undergone a gradual increase in precision and accuracy, from early astro-navigation through Harrison’s chronometers to...


Shortlisted nominees announced for the 2019 SMART4SEA Awards

SAFETY4SEA is pleased to announce the distinguished shortlisted nominees for the 2019 SMART4SEA Awards, following an online nomination process, initiated a few months ahead of the event, where industry stakeholders proposed nominations. The aim of the awards is to recognize those organizations that demonstrated outstanding performance within the scope of fostering Smart Shipping.

The online voting process has started at https://events.safety4sea.com/2019-smart4sea-awards/ where participants can...


Officer forgets to insert a waypoint in GPS, ship runs aground

In its Monthly Safety Scenario for November, the Swedish P&I club analyzes a case of a ship grounding due to insufficient checking of the passage plan. When creating the passage plan, it is suggested that the plan is double checked by another officer to ensure all waypoints have been selected.

The incident

It was a rainy night and the vessel was sailing towards the next port close to the coast. The 2nd officer was on the bridge and acting OOW. The passage plan had been approved by the Master and...


Procedures: A guide to safe passage planning

Voyage planning is a key element of Bridge Resource Management (BRM) forming the foundation the bridge team will use to ensure the vessel’s safe transit along its intended route. A voyage plan (or passage plan) is a comprehensive, berth to berth guide, developed and used by a vessel’s bridge team to determine the most favorable route, to identify potential problems or hazards along the route, and to adopt bridge management practices to ensure the vessel’s safe passage. During passage planning,...


London P&I Club Issues Guide To ECDIS Management

navigation system ecdis bridge

The London P&I Club has joined forces with London Offshore Consultants (LOC) to produce a guide to the proper management of ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) on board ships. The driving force behind the publication, ‘Is your ECDIS contributing to safe navigation or introducing risk?’ is the increasing number of negative findings recorded by the club during ship inspections which are attributable to the manner in which the introduction of ECDIS on ships is being managed.



Solo bridge manning contributes to grounding

Transport Malta’s Marine Safety Investigation Unit (MSIU) issued an investigation report into the grounding of the Maltese registered bulk carrier ‘Marbella’ on North Reef, Paracel Islands, on 28 September 2017. The investigation showed that the bridge was solely manned by one person at the time of the incident, which meant ‘a missing safety barrier for one-person error’.

The incident

At 2350 on 26 September 2017, Marbella departed Hong Kong for Tarahan Coal Terminal in Indonesia. The following...


Grounding highlights need of ECDIS alarms in open waters

In the latest edition of its Safety Digest, UK MAIB describes a grounding of a small bulk carrier on a sandbank. The vessel had been following a planned track in the ECDIS, but the ECDIS alarms had been turned off. The ship remained aground for 6 days and was refloated by salvors.

The incident

The second officer had taken over the bridge watch from the master at midnight. The vessel was heading 146˚ in autopilot at 11kts, but during the watch handover the master told the oncoming OOW to shorten...
